Where Europe ends.

Where Europe ends.Un film documentar de 50 de minute realizat de Alina Mungiu Pippide, sora lui Cristian Mungiu cel care a facut filmul « 4 luni 3 saptamani si 2 zile » si una dintre putinii intelectuali sociologi recunoscuti in vest.Un film despre trecutul si prezentul Ucrainei si Republicii Moldova. Echipa se plimba prin Zakarpathia, Hertza, RM si Crimeea, dezvaluind trecutul si problemele oamenilor. “Filmul a fost recenzat si in « The Economist » :Many of the people interviewed in the film have first-hand experience of the atrocities of the past century. Their grasp of the geopolitics is sometimes hazy, but their memories of shootings and deportations are sharp. Lines on the map drawn by outsiders have divided families and farms, bumping them around like shuttlecocks between different countries and political systems. The creation of a solid eastern frontier to the EU hardly matches the horrific consequences of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, but the victims are the same people.People left behind by history are often those who find coping with the present day most difficult. Humble farmworkers in rural areas find it hard enough getting Ukrainian or Moldovan officials even to issue a travel document. Getting a visa to cross the border is even harder. The film shows the humiliating crowded queues outside EU member states’ consulates and the dismal life of illegal labour and squalid living that awaits those who make it across.”Restul aici: http://www.economist.com/research/articlesBySubject/displaystory.cfm?subjectid=7933606&story_id=15326810 http://tinyurl.com/y8nn325Aici e trailer-ul: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saWKxK_g-lUAici e site-ul oficial : http://www.whereeuropeends.eu/