Procurorul General vinde minciuni oficialilor europeni

Vedeti mai jos ce a raspuns Procurorul General al RM, V.Gurbulea, unui inal oficial european care s-a interesat de cazurile de tortura si de incalcari flagrante ale drepturilor omului in Republica Moldova:Stimate Domn,In ultima vreme, Procuratura Generala din Republica Moldova a primit mai multe plangeri de la diverse structuri non-guvernamentale si grupuri de cetateni de peste hotare, care isi exprima ingrijorarea privind persecutarile si urmarire judiciara ale participantilor la protestele din Republica Moldova.In legatura cu aceasta, dorim sa mentionam ca nu a existat asa ceva.In realitate, actualmente un grup de investigatie examineaza circumstantele dezordinilor in masa care au avut loc pe 7 aprilie 2009, in centrul municipiului Chisinau, insotite de dezorganizarea activitatii transportului, opunerea de rezistenta si atacuri violente, care au dus la ranirea oamenilor legii si a celor imputerniciti sa mentina ordinea publica, distrugerea si incendierea cladirilor Parlamentului si a Presedintiei Republicii Moldova.In cadrul acestui proces, numai participantii activi la aceste actiuni ilegale, calificati de legislatia penala si anume persoanele care au aplicat violenta impotriva reprezentantilor politiei, au distrus sau au incitat la incendierea si distrugerea proprietatii publice au fost retinute si urmarite pe cale judiciara.Persoanele are au protestat pasnic si nu au comis actiuni ilegale ca cele descrise mai sus nu au fost retinute si nu se afla in urmarire penala, astfel ca raspandirea informatiei precum ca cetatenii Republicii Moldova ar fi urmariti penal din cauza calitatii de membru sau viziuni politice este absolut nefondata.Procuratura Generala din Republica Moldova se straduieste sa asigure drepturile si libertatile personale fundamentale ale celor arestati in legatura cu evenimentele descrise, efectuand monitorizari zilnice la inchisorile unde se afla detinutii, asigurand dreptul la aparare si la sanatate, cerceteaza declaratiile detinutilor privind pretinsele actiuni ilegale intreprinse impotriva lor de catre reprezentantii politiei. * Cu respect, Valeriu Gurbulea, Procuror General…………………………………………..Dear Sir,Lately, the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Moldova received a number of complaints from various non-governmental structures and groups of citizens from abroad, whichexpressed concern regarding persecution and prosecution of the participants in the demonstrations of protest in the Republic of Moldova .In this regard, we would like to state that such facts did not occur.Indeed, currently, an investigation group examines the circumstances of the mass disorders which took part on April 7, 2009 in the downtown of Chisinau municipality, accompaniedby the disorganization of transport activity, opposing resistance and violent physical attacks injuring representatives of law and order observance authorities, destruction and arson of theParliament and Presidency buildings of the Republic of Moldova.Over this process only active participants in these illegal actions, qualified by the criminal law and namely the persons who applied violence against representatives of law enforcementbodies, destroyed, or called for arson and destruction of the public property have been detained and are prosecuted..Persons who protested peacefully and did not committed illegal actions described above have not been detained and are not under criminal investigation, thus the spread of informationregarding the prosecution of citizens in the Republic of Moldova based on their membership or political views are absolutely unfounded.The General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Moldova strives to ensure basic rights and freedoms of persons apprehended in connection with the events described by providingdaily monitoring of places of imprisonment where they are held, ensuring the right to defense and healthcare, research detainees allegations regarding the alleged illegal actions committedagainst them in detention by the law enforcement representatives. * Sincerely, Valeriu Gurbulea General Prosecutor