Presa straina incepe sa se trezeasca

Articol din new york post:Why care about hundreds of pro-freedom demonstrators beaten in the streets and jailed in cells once run by the KGB? Obama's congressional intimates are busy flying to Havana to adore the Castro brothers. (So much for the pro-democracy Cubans rotting in Fidel's prisons: Guantanamo bad; Cuban torture chambers? Viva la revolucion!). A smudge at the edge of Europe, Moldova is a victim of history. Stalin hacked most of its territory from Romania (most Moldovans long to rejoin their motherland) and the rest from Ukraine. The Soviets then used it as an agricultural fief, unwilling to industrialize a border region. As the Soviet Union collapsed, Moscow's security services saw Moldova as a crucial outpost that must not be relinquished: It marked the USSR's border with Europe, which the likes of Vladimir Putin would resurrect.http://www.nypost.com/seven/04112009/postopinion/opedcolumnists/putins_playground_163883.htm