Bucureshti. Job Offer.

Poate cineva cauta de lucru in Bucuresti, mi-au trimis pe yahoo messenger some friends.Firma se numeste NOBEL, cu sediul in Bucureshti.http://www.nobel.roGeneral Requirements:• Bachelors Degree• At least 2 years of working experience in a team atmosphere using advanced development processes• Good English communication skills, both oral and written• Strong problem-solving skillsTechnology Skill Requirements:• Java, JSP, J2EE(2 years minimum).• SQL database (Postgres, SQL Server, MySQL, etc.).• Red Hat Linux (1 year as user / developer).• Familiarity with Design Patterns.• Strong OOP background.• VCS principles and utilization (CVS, ClearCase, Code Co-op, etc.).Please send your applications in full confidence at hr@nobel.ro or by fax at 021 211 04 85.2000-2600$ pentru inceput.*ma gandesk poate e timpul sa trec pe java? :D