Scholarship for Journalists

Journalists’ Workshop on Education Issues in PragueTransitions Online will host a workshop for journalists on coveringeducation issues in post-communist Europe, Central Asia, and theCaucasus from 23 to 25 March in Prague. Twelve journalists will beaccepted from Central Asia and the Caucuses, with another 12 comingfrom Central and Eastern Europe. Speakers will include experiencedjournalism trainers and experts on pressing education issues in theregion. This project is funded by the Open Society Institute’sEducation Support Program, which aims to facilitate change ineducation and national policy development in line with the Sorosfoundation network's mission of promoting open society.To apply, please send an email to education@tol.org, with your CV, abrief letter in English explaining why you want to participate in thisprogram, and at least one published article, preferably on aneducation-related topic. Applications from journalists from non-EUcountries, Central Asia, the Russian Federation and the Caucasus, forwhom the Czech Republic requires tourist visas, will be accepted untilFeb. 10. All other applications will be accepted until Feb. 17.For more information, please visit:http://www.tol.cz/look/TOL/section_training.tpl?IdLanguage=1&IdPublication=20&NrIssue=1