Startup Faster
Позволяет запускать и выключать винду быстрее за счет хитрых оптимизаций в листинге загружаемых программ и модулей.Загрузить программу: (~3.1 мб) Helmut Mertins Code: 000015-Q45CZB-M7NKWV-N54D5Z-RV5J4E-CTN7F1-E5881A-04NXM9-V4DCG7-32X9QVWhy do I need Startup Faster! 2004?Save time Startup Faster! 2004 greatly reduces the loading time of Windows; it saves you a lot of time every time you restart. Even if you are using a slow machine, you will find your computer is performing at least 5 times faster.Protect your hard diskYou may not know this, but mass “read and writes” of hard disks over short periods of time can do great harm to hard disks; that’s why some hard disks work for less than one year. If you install programs on your disk often and your startup list is filling up with programs, you may cause the hard disk to run beyond its’ capacity. Startup Faster! 2004 effectively reduces the loads of hard disks, as well as reduces the noise made by hard disks. Try Startup Faster! 2004 once and you will notice the difference!Manage the startup listYou can't control the execution order of the startup programs unless you use Startup Faster! 2004. Your startup order is really important in some cases, since some programs depend on other programs. If the independent programs are not fully loaded, the dependent programs can't run either. There's also another common problem: some programs leave "dead" links in startup groups and registries, even if the programs were uninstalled. Startup Faster! 2004 can find and remove these dead links. You can also manually remove or add any program to your startup list. With Startup Faster! 2003 you take full control.It can be fun!Show your computer to your friends-your Pentium III computer may run faster than his Pentium IV! Try it!