Я не дизайнер, но всё же...

[rus]: Уважаемый Мастер! Обращаюсь 3а Вашей помощью именно в этой теме, ибо, к сожалению, по неизвестной мне причине, мне недоступны тема FORUM.MD и другие темы, равно как и URL моего пасспорта. Вместо всего перечисленного я каждый раз вынужден читать одно и то же "увлекательное" сообщение следующего содержания: [rom]: Stimate Master! Apelez la ajutorul D-voastra anume in aceasta tema, pentru ca, spre regret, din motivul necunoscut mie, nici tema FORUM.MD, nici alte teme, ca si URL-ul pasaportului meu, nu-mi sunt accesibile. In locul celor enumarate, eu de fiecare data sant nevoit sa citesc acelasi mesaj "captivant" cu urmatorul continut: [eng]: Dear Master! I appeal for your help in this very topic, because, to my regret and for unknown reason, I can not access neither the FORUM.MD and other topics, nor my passport's URL. Every time, instead of all enumerated above, I am compelled to read the same "entertaining" message with the following content: --------------------------------------------------------------- The page cannot be found The page you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. --------------------------------------------------------------- Please try the following: If you typed the page address in the Address bar, make sure that it is spelled correctly. Open the www.forum.md home page, and then look for links to the information you want. Click the Back button to try another link. HTTP 404 - File not found Internet Information Services --------------------------------------------------------------- Technical Information (for support personnel) More information: Microsoft Support --------------------------------------------------------------- [eng]: In this connection, I respectfully ask you to eliminate these significative defects. Thank you in advance. [rom]: In contextul celor expuse, Va rog respectuos sa inlaturati acestе defecte semnificative. Va multumesc anticipat. [rus]: В связи с изложенным, почтительно прошу Вас устранить эти 3начимые неисправности. 3аранее благодарю.