Sa te feresti de piciorul care iti sare-n bot

Sa te feresti de piciorul care iti sare-n bot, sau cum sa faci juma' din drumul pana-n raiTraiesc pe un continent unde superstitia este incurajata iresponsabil; asa o fi si in Europa, batranica de ea? citesc stirile medicale pe net: o femeie naste printr-o tehnica demna de filme stiintifico-fantastice, desi sterila o viata; ghiciti cum isi explica? Pai, americaneste, a vrut Isus asa si ea in plus s-a si rugat . . . intens. Ce a vrut Isus? Ca procedura sa reuseasca, desi in premiera? Ca acesti chirurgi minunati sa aiba mana sigura si sa nu-i recolteze oul din anus? Ca oamenii de stiinta care au conceput si aplicat procedura asta incredibila sa-si imagineze gaselnita la timp sa nu faca ea 80 de anisori? Ca tehnica si tehnologia sa faca toate astea posibil? Sau cucoana poate crede ca deveni fertila la aproape 40 din ‘gratie divina’, coincidenta maxima, odata cu aterizarea ei in clinica de fertilizare. Deunazi dau drumul la radio in drum spre casa: ce credeti ca se dezbatea? Pai cum sa-i zic? ‘Perceptie din afara corpului’; Omenii se certau aprig frate, si se contraziceau vartos, daca aceste fenomene traite de unii de erau sa dea coltul, dar isi revenira norocosii, sunt sau nu proba si dovada a existentei sufletului (lui Avram Iancu, probabil . . . ) si a ‘lumii celeilalte’; Pasiune mare, neneaca! Credeti ca a intervenit vreun medic acolo? As! Credeti ca s-a revoltat vreun fizician sau chimist de abuzurile logice si fortarile unor notiuni ca cea de camp, energie, fluid, etc.? Nici macar! Moderatorul si el, era de un calm de piatra, aruncand cu lopata pe unde, valuri-valuri de inepti si ineptii. Tot ‘rumanul isi dadea cu parerea . . . . unul mai doxa ca celalt. Caut la o zi sau 2 distanta pe net ‘BMI’ (indicele de masa corporala); ce credeti ca gasesc printre droaia de articole gasite de harnicul ‘Copernic’? Pai articolul asta, de mai jos. Ne explica ca medicii cu o baterie si ceva fire, ne trimit la jumatatea drumului spre Paradis, vise cunoscute deja din istorii miraculoase a ‘intorsilor’ din drum; sa vedem: Doctors create out-of-body sensations http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/2266740.stm Wednesday, 18 September, 2002, 18:02 GMT 19:02 UK Doctors have triggered out-of-body experiences in a female patient by stimulating her brain. They believe their work may help to explain mysterious incidents when people report experiences of 'leaving' their body and watching it from above. The doctors did not set out to achieve the effect - they were actually treating the women for epilepsy. Neurologist Professor Olaf Blanke and colleagues at Geneva University Hospital in Switzerland were using electrodes to stimulate the brain. They found that STIMULATING ONE SPOT - THE ANGULAR GYRUS IN THE RIGHT CORTEX - REPEATEDLY CAUSED OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCES (OBEs). Initially, the stimulations caused the woman to feel she was "sinking" into the bed, or falling from a height. WHEN THE CURRENT AMPLITUDE WAS INCREASED, SHE REPORTED LEAVING HER BODY. Floating She told the doctors: "I SEE MYSELF LYING IN BED, FROM ABOVE, BUT I ONLY SEE MY LEGS AND LOWER TRUNK." FURTHER STIMULATIONS LED TO A FEELING OF LIGHTNESS AND ‘FLOATING’ CLOSE TO THE CEILING. The patient was then asked to watch her real legs as current was passed through the electrodes attached to her head. This time she reported her legs ‘becoming shorter’. If bent, her legs appeared to be moving quickly towards her face, causing her to take evasive action. A similar effect happened when she was asked to look at her outstretched arms. The left arm appeared shortened, but the right arm was unaffected. If both arms were bent by 90 degrees at the elbow, the woman felt her left lower arm and hand were moving towards her face. The doctors believe the angular gyrus plays an important role in matching up visual information and the brain's touch and balance representation of the body. When the two become dissociated, an out-body-experience may result. Writing in the journal Nature, the Swiss team said out-of-body experiences tended to be short-lived, and to disappear when a person attempts to inspect the illusory body or body part. Greater awareness Professor Blanke told BBC News Online that out of body sensations may be caused by an overactive angular gyrus. Alternatively, the electrical stimulation might actually have depressed activity in the area. He said it was impossible to rule out possibility that other areas of the brain were also involved. He said there was no evidence to suggest that out-of-body experiences were linked to epilepsy. OBEs have been reported in neurological patients with epilepsy, migraine and after cerebral strokes, but they also appear in healthy subjects. Awareness of a biological basis of OBEs might allow some patients who suffer frequently from OBEs to talk about them more openly. In addition, physicians might take the phenomenon more seriously and carry out necessary investigations such as an EEG, MRI, and neurological examinations.’ The research is published in the journal Nature.Merita aratat superstitiosilor falindu-se cu ‘binefacerile’ religiei in materie de sanatate, ca lucrurile nu sunt chiar atat de simple; iluzia poate aduce linistire, poate da ragazul si pacea atat de des jinduita de noi toti; ea insa, cum arata si studiul de mai jos, poate oricand deveni o sabie cu doua taisuri, datorita insasi definitiei de religios: un om inselat, sau auto-inselandu-se, dar care la un moment dat poate fi fortat sa infurnte realitatea cruda, atat de cruda pentru noi. Ei ‘cad’ atunci; si cad mai fleasca decat ar face-o vreodata un secular sau un ateu. Ieri sau alaltaieri, un pios pe forum, se falea cu sanatatea lui de fier, zicea dansul ca de nu stiu cate zeci de ani nu a avut probleme cu sanatatea; era o forma de a afirma astfel, ca dumenzeul lui e acolo, in preajma si ii poarta de grija, sau ca religia i-a dat linistea atat de importanta pentru sanatate; daca imi aduc bine aminte totusi, batea el undeva si spre medicina alternativa - ce clasic este cliseul acesta, crestin-reincarnari-yoga-astrologie-ghicit_in_cafea-medicina_’a si toate in acelasi mic si neincapator capsor . . . . . Primul articol de mai jos arata ca o educatie inspirata de normele stricte ale crestinismului, pe sentimentul de vinovatie inerent dogmei acestuia (vina pentru ‘pacatul originar’, dogma pedepsei eterne, inculcarea ideii false de bine si rau absolut prin notiuni ca diavol si dumnezeu) pot crea probleme psihice majore; al doilea articol, ne arata ca persoane credincioase care ajung sa aiba probleme de sanatate - si inevitabil mai devreme sau mai tarziu toti o sa avem - incep sa resimta frustrare, revolta, fata de ‘nedreptatea’ pe care iluzoriul lor dumnezeu de o viata, iata, le-o ‘administreaza’ acum; au scoruri mai slabe de supravietuire din aceasta cauza. Ne arata ca stupida viziune care pretinde ca boala sau sanatatea, norocul sau necazul, isi au originea in ‘vreri’ ale domnului, sau mai rau, ale diavolului, sunt si nocive, nu numai ridicule; Isus, asa zisul dumnezeu al crestinilor, sau ma rog, fiul lui de fapt * [ca nici nu stii cu mintile intortocheate ale acestora cine este de fapt ‘mielu’], credea in scos draci ca solutie pentru ‘vindecarea’ bolilor, ca multi din timpul sau; sa nu ne miram deci ca azi crestinii trec prin crize psihice cand viata le mai da, inevitabil, cate ‘un bat in c . .’. *Cum dracu un dumnezeu poate sa fie si el insusi si si in acelasi timp si fiul sau, e mare mister, basca ca mai e si duh, dar asta e alta discutie, si inca una care nu face unanimitate nici macar printre superstitiosi, azi catolici si ortodocsi certandu-se inca asupra explicarii Trinitatii . . . Religious 'vulnerable to compulsion' Thursday, 30 May, 2002, 06:21 GMT 07:21 UK http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/2014244.stm RELIGIOUS PEOPLE MAY BE ANXIOUS ABOUT RIGHT AND WRONG Devout Catholics are more likely to show symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder than less religious people, a study has found. THE FINDING ADDS WEIGHT TO THE THEORY THAT A STRICT RELIGIOUS UPBRINGING MAY MAKE PEOPLE MORE PRONE TO THE PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEM. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder in which people are persistantly compelled to carry out ritualised behaviour in response to recurring thoughts which are often completely irrational. For instance, sufferers often become obessesed with the notion that they are contaminated with germs, leading to hour upon hour of washing. The condition can become so bad that it prevents people from leading a normal life. The causes of the disorder, which affects at least 5 million Americans and a million Britons, are still obscure. But genes, upbringing, head injuries and emotional trauma have all been implicated. NEW SCIENTIST MAGAZINE REPORTS THAT RESEARCHERS FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF PARMA IN ITALY HAVE FOUND THAT COMMITTED CATHOLICS ARE MORE LIKELY TO SHOW SYMPTOMS OF OCD. Not conclusive The scientists compared people, such as nuns and priests who worked in the church, with committed lay Catholics and others with virtually no religious involvement. Each subject was asked to document mild OCD symptoms, such as intrusive mental images or worries. The more devout Catholics reported more severe symptoms. THE RESEARCHERS STRESS THAT THEIR STUDY DOES NOT PROVE THAT RELIGIOUS DEVOTION EARLY IN LIFE CAUSES OCD. THEY SAY IT IS POSSIBLE THAT PEOPLE WITH A TENDENCY TO DEVELOP THE CONDITION MAY ALSO BE ATTRACTED BY THE RELIGIOUS LIFESTYLE. Dr Lynne Drummond, a psychiatrist at St George's Hospital, said that it was likely that people must have a genetic predisposition to develop symptoms of OCD. However, she said many OCD patients do say they had a strict upbringing where actions were either right or wrong, black or white. Personal responsbility Ian Hancock, an expert in OCD from Dumfries and Galloway Primary Care NHS Trust, believes that although there is probably a genetic compotent to the condition, environmental factors, such as parenting, are likely to play an important role in its development. He said people with OCD tended to have an exaggerated sense of their own responsibility for events, often when no blame could possibly be attached to them. "As a religion, catholicism does rather tend to emphasise personal responsibility, guilt and right and wrong. "Any strong teaching that emphasises these issues in a very powerful way could be additional pressure for somebody who is prone to feeling guilt in the first place. "It could well be a factor contributing towards the development of an obsessional-compulsive coping strategy." Mr Hancock said it was important that devout Catholics who found themselves struggling with OCD took on board the broad teachings of the church, and tried not to focus exclusively on the elements that emphasised personal responsibility. A spokesman for the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales said: "This survey needs to be taken with a pinch of salt. "It would very interesting to know the size of the sample on which it was based. "Certainly, I have heard of no Catholic clergy in England and Wales who even have the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder. There is evidence to suggest that a religious belief can aid mental health. 'Religious struggle' could prove fatal http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/1488686.stm Monday, 13 August, 2001, 09:49 GMT 10:49 UK FAITH IN GOD MAY BE SHAKEN BY ILLNESS ELDERLY PEOPLE WHO ARE WRESTLING WITH THEIR OWN RELIGIOUS BELIEFS ARE MORE LIKELY TO DIE FOLLOWING ILLNESS, say US researchers. THOSE WHO ADMITTED FEELING ABANDONED BY GOD, OR WHO BLAMED GOD OR THE DEVIL FOR THEIR POOR HEALTH INCREASED THEIR RISK OF DEATH. The survey was conducted by psychiatrists at Duke University Medical Centre. They quizzed 595 elderly patients who were in hospital - almost all of these said they were Christians, most from conservative Protestant denominations. The researchers then checked two years later to see how many were still alive. Patients who had earlier said they felt alienated from God - or who said that the Devil had caused their illness were between 19% and 28% more likely to die. Patients who felt that they had been abandoned by their own church or faith community were also at increased risk. There was no other independent factor, such as mood or quality of life, which had a significant effect on risk of death. Dr Harold Koenig, who led the study, told the BBC: "We wanted to get a better understanding of how a person's religious beliefs affect their health. "People who questioned God's love for them, who questioned God's power, were more likely to die during the two-year follow-up period." He said that doctors should be making the religious beliefs of the patient part of a routine medical examination. "Doctors should learn about the religious beliefs of the patients when they are admitted to the hospital. "They should take a spiritual history." There is a growing trend in the US to do just this - two-thirds of medical colleges there have courses which train students in these skills. The study was published in the journal the Archives of Internal Medicine. Professor Peter Coleman, from the University of Southampton, said: "Those people who are strong believers and attend church do very well in terms of avoiding depression and have a high sense of meaning in their lives. "Depressive symptoms are concentrated among those of moderate to weak belief who do not attend church. They did less well than those people who do not have any belief system at all."‘Putem crede in Dumnezeu daca ne pastram la un nivel foarte inalt si abstract; insa odata ce ne referim la intamplarile de zi cu zi, care toate compun o viata, nu gasim nimic care sa ne conduca la Dumnezeu, nici macar la un dumnezeu, oricare ar fi el. Credinta este o inchipuire care refuza concretul si care nu se sinchiseste de ceea ce o arata falsa.’ Emil Cioran, Caiete 1957 - 1972, Gallimard, 1997. «On peut croire en Dieu, si on se maintient à un niveau très haut et très abstrait. Mais dès qu'on se rapporte aux accidents quotidiens, qui composent en somme une vie, on n'y trouve rien qui conduise à Dieu, ni même à un dieu. - La foi est une imagination qui refuse le concret, qui ne s'embarasse pas de ce qui la réprouve. » Émile Michel CIORAN, Cahiers 1957 - 1972, Gallimard, 1997. ‘De doua mii de ani Isus se razbuna pe noi, ca n-a murit pe-o canapea.’ Emil Cioran, Silogismele amaraciunii «Depuis deux mille ans, Jésus se venge sur nous de n'être pas mort sur un canapé.» Émile Michel CIORAN, ‘Syllogismes de l'amertume’, Folio/Essais. ‘Singura scuza a lui Dumnezeu, este ca nu exista.’ Stendhal, Opere complete. « La seule excuse de Dieu, c'est qu'il n'existe pas. » Oeuvres complètes, Slatkine, 1985. ‘Daca voi gasi Dumnezeul crestinilor, sunt pierdut: este un despot si ca atare, este plin de idei de razbunare; Biblia sa nu vorbeste decat despre pedepse atroce. Nu l-am iubit niciodata; nici macar n-am vrut sa cred c-am putea sa-l iubim sincer.’ Stendhal, ‘Rosu si Negru’, 1831. « Si je trouve le Dieu des chrétiens, je suis perdu : c'est un despote et, comme tel, il est rempli d'idées de vengeance ; sa Bible ne parle jamais que de punitions atroces. Je ne l'ai jamais aimé ; je n'ai même jamais voulu croire qu'on l'aimât sincèrement. » Henri Beyle, dit STENDHAL (1783 - 1842), ‘Le rouge et le noir’, 1831, in : Oeuvres complètes, Slatkine, 1985. ‘Dumnezeu nu ma vede, Dumnezeu nu ma aude, Dumnezeu nu ma cunoaste. Vezi acest vid deasupra capetelor noastre? E Dumnezeu . . . . Tacerea este Dumnezeu. Absenta este Dumnezeu. Dumnezeu este singuratatea oamenilor.’ Jean-Paul SARTRE, ‘Diavolul si Bunul Dumnezeu’, 1951. « Dieu ne me voit pas, Dieu ne m'entend pas, Dieu ne me connaît pas. Tu vois ce vide au-dessus de nos têtes ? C'est Dieu (...) Le silence, c'est Dieu. L'absence c'est Dieu. Dieu, c'est la solitude des hommes. » Jean-Paul SARTRE (1905 - 1980), ‘Le Diable et le bon Dieu’, Gallimard, 1951. ‘Odata ce libertatea a explodat in spiritul unui om, dumnezeii nu mai pot face nimic impotriva acestuia.’ Jean-Paul SARTRE, ‘Diavolul si Bunul Dumnezeu’. « Quand une fois la liberté a explosé dans une âme d'homme, les dieux ne peuvent plus rien contre cet homme-là. » Le Diable et le bon Dieu, Gallimard, 1951 ‘Credinta in Dumnezeu face si trebuie sa faca aproape tot atati fanatici cat credinciosi. Peste tot unde se accepta un dumnezeu, exista un cult; peste tot unde exista un cult, ordinea naturala a obligatiilor morale este intoarsa pe dos si morala corupta. Mai devreme sau mai tarziu, va veni un moment in care dogma care a impiedicat sa furi un sfantz, va taia beregata la o suta de mii de oameni.’ Denis Diderot, Scrisoare catre Sophie Volland. « La croyance en Dieu fait et doit faire presque autant de fanatiques que de croyants. Partout où l'on admet un Dieu, il y a un culte; partout où il y a un culte, l'ordre naturel des devoirs moraux est renversé, et la morale corrompue. Tôt ou tard, il vient un moment où la notion qui a empêché de voler un écu fait égorger cent mille hommes. » Lettre à Sophie Volland (1765), Robert Laffont/Bouquins ‘Dumnezeu este singura fiinta, care pentru a domni, nu are nici macar nevoie sa existe.’ Charles BAUDELAIRE, ‘Rachete’, in Opere complete, Gallimard/Pléiade. « Dieu est le seul être qui, pour régner, n'ait même pas besoin d'exister. » Charles BAUDELAIRE, ‘Fusées’ in Oeuvres complètes, Gallimard/Pléiade Omori un om: esti un asasin. Omori milioane dintre ei: esti un cuceritor. Ii ucizi pe toti: esti un Dumnezeu. Jean ROSTAND, Ganduri de biolog, 1954. «On tue un homme: on est un assassin. On en tue des milliers: on est un conquérant. On les tue tous: on est un Dieu.» Jean ROSTAND (1894-1977), Pensées d'un biologiste, Stock, 1954. ‘Un Dumnezeu se naste. Altii mor. Adevarul nici nu a venit, nici nu a plecat: Doar iluzia s-a schimbat.’ Fernando Antonio Nogueira PESSOA « Un Dieu nait. D'autres meurent. La vérité n'est ni venue ni partie. L'Erreur seule a changé. » Fernando Antonio Nogueira PESSOA (1888-1935), Noël, Caractères, 1955 Evanghelia nu este decat un roman oriental, desgustator pentru pentru orice om de bun simt, care pare a se adresa numai ignorantilor, prostilor, drojdiei societatii, singurii pe care ii poate seduce.’ Paul-Henri Thiry, baron d'HOLBACH « L'Evangile n'est qu'un roman oriental, dégoûtant pour tout homme de bon sens et qui ne semble s'adresser qu'à des ignorants, des stupides, des gens de la lie du peuple, les seuls qu'il puisse séduire. » Paul-Henri Thiry, baron d'HOLBACH (1723 - 1789), Histoire critique de Jésus-Christ, Droz, 1997 « Et moi je dis : le premier devoir de l'homme intelligent et libre est de chasser incessamment l'idée de Dieu de son esprit et de sa conscience. Car Dieu, s'il existe, est essentiellement hostile à notre nature, et nous ne relevons aucunement de son autorité. Nous arrivons à la science malgré lui, au bien-être malgré lui, à la société malgré lui : chacun de nos progrès est une victoire dans laquelle nous écrasons la divinité. » Pierre-Joseph PROUDHON (1809-1865), Système des contradictions économiques (1846), in : Oeuvres complètes, Slatkine