Setting Search от Wizards

Вот проект сеттинга, который прошел во второй тур:-----------------As promised, here's my D&D Campagin Setting submission: 1. Core Ethos Sentence. The world is young and unknown, and the characters are the first and most powerful Heroes and Villains in history. 2. Who are the heroes? Every First Hero in the campaign is a half-dragon (metallic), half-elemental (water or air), or half-celestial. Prior to the birth of the First Ones, the people of the world are stone-age hunter-gatherers. They are scattered across the wilderness in small nomadic tribes. There has never been a more advanced culture. The First Heroes find themselves capable of reaching an extraordinary potential. They will reshape their world in their own images. Their peers are Gilgamesh, Hammurabi, Imhotep and Hercules. The spawn of the metallic dragons will build a civilization. The half-celestials are a conduit to the Gods, promising revelation in return for service and sacrifice. The half-elementals seek to explore and understand the world. 3. What do they do? As the campaign begins, the First Ones spend a lot of time on adventures, far from home, looking for ways to expand their powers and abilities. The First Ones have to invent all the parts of the D&D system from scratch: teaching themselves new Feats; mastering the mysteries of magic; learning how to communicate with the Gods; inventing tools & crafts so that they can create items of power; etc. As the power level of the campaign grows, the First Heroes will seek to establish strongholds and bases of power. Still later, the First Heroes will found power blocs, religious orders, schools of arcane knowledge, etc. They will be opposed at every step by the First Villains, of course! · Their ultimate objective is to create, expand, and protect the First City. There will be iconic First Heroes that will serve as examples and protagonists in fiction and illustration. Each will represent a unique take on a classic fantasy archetype. 4. Threats, Conflicts, Villains Every First Villain in the campaign is a half-dragon (chromatic), half-elemental (fire or earth), or half-fiend. The spawn of the chromatic dragons work to undo all the progress achieved by the First Heroes. The half-fiends are determined to fight a local skirmish in the Blood War. The half-elementals are radical environmentalists, committed to keeping the impact of magic limited and the scope of civilization contained. Each faction of First Villains is has its own mutually exclusive scheme for world domination! · Their ultimate objective is to rule the world under an iron fist, enslaving or killing all the First Heroes. There will be iconic First Villains that will be credible opponents for the First Heroes and represent a vibrant and exciting cast of characters for fiction and illustrations. 5. Nature of magic The First Ones will research and create the first versions of all spells and magic items in the campaign. Until a First One discovers a spell or enchantment, it will not exist in the Campaign. First Ones can only use class abilities, Feats, and magical knowledge they themselves have researched. The Gods themselves are created and sustained by the worship of the First Ones. There will be creatures with supernatural abilities (from whom the First Ones may learn much!) but the only organized schools of magic or religious orders will be those created by the First Ones themselves. 6. What’s new? What’s different? The whole campaign is predicated on the idea that the customer is more important than the publisher, and that the DM is more important than any individual designer. The choices made by the customers will define the campaign. If Greyhawk is the “stone soup” campaign where little is provided besides a map, a city and a handful of proper nouns, and Forgotten Realms is the “cup o’ soup” campaign where Wizards of the Coast provides essentially all information about the campaign, this proposed campaign is “the kitchen” – WotC will provide all the tools and ingredients, and each customer will assemble them as needed to match a particular desired scope, pacing, power level, and storytelling framework. Clearly, this proposal creates challenges for developing products and novels. We believe we can present a compelling solution to those problems. If this proposal advances to the next phase, we will explain our strategy to address those challenges effectively and creatively. RYAN S. DANCEY