IIS + SSL + Cert Map

Create New Certificate Mapping"" Then Err.Clear On Error Resume Next vntCertificate = Request.ClientCertificate("CERTIFICATE")If vntCertificate = "" Then Response.Write "No cert is presented
"End IfSet objW3svr = GetObject("IIS://localhost/W3svc/1")If Err.Number0 Then Response.Write "Function GetObject failed!
" Response.EndEnd If Set objCertMapper = objW3svr.GetObject("IISCertMapper", "MyCertMapper") ''if failed, try to create new IISCertMapper Object If Err.number0 then Err.clear Set objCertMapper = objW3svr.Create("IISCertMapper", "MyCertMapper") If Err.Number 0 Then Response.Write "Could not create IISCertMapper object!
" Response.End Else''objCertMapper.SetInfoobjW3svr.SetInfo End ifEnd IfobjCertMapper.CreateMapping vntCertificate, vntAccnt, vntPassword, strMapName, bEnabledIf Err.number 0 Then Response.Write "Mapping Failed
See following instruction
" Else Response.Write "You have succeded to create a new mapping
"End IfSet objCertMapper=NothingSet objW3svr = Nothing End If%>For this sample to work properly, You need to do following:
1.Require SSL to access this asp page.
2.Require client certificate.
3.uncheck anonymous authentication.
4.install client certificate into your browser.

Account Name to map


Mapping Name

Enable mapping