Articol din "Vedomosti"referitor la desfiintarea oraselor sub 100.000 de locuitori

Iata din Rusia un articol din "Vedomosti"referitor la desfiintarea oraselor sub 100.000 de locuitori.Quoted
The government is planning a major shake-up of its population structure by
concentrating the bulk of its people in 20 urban centres rather than scattered across the country, a report said on Tuesday. The Vedomosti daily said that the plan,which would mark an end to the Soviet vision of covering Russia's vast territory with urban areas, had been worked out by the government and Kremlin
It said that the plan could form a part of President Dmitry Medvedev's annual
keynote address later this year and was in line with his drive to modernise Russia's economy. According to Vedomosti, the secret document says that developing small towns with a population of less than 100,000
people - which make up 90 per cent of the nation's towns - had no perspective in the future.
It said that the conditions have to be created to quicken the migration of the
population from small towns to larger centres.
"There is no need to fight against the current and we need to develop big cities
and urban centres," the document said,according to Vedomosti.Unquoted