Редакция jurnal.md просит политическое убежище у посольства США
Română: Publicaţia Jurnal de Chişinău şi postul online Jurnal TV solicită Ambasadei SUA la Chişinău să ofere azil politic pentru toată redacţia, reieşind din faptul că reporterii publicaţiei sunt terorizaţi în aceste zile de către organelle de forţă.
English: Jurnal de Chisinau newspaper and JurnalTV asked the US embassy in Chisinau to offer political asylum for all the editing team, because of the fact that the reporters are being terrorized these days by the force organs.
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English: Jurnal de Chisinau newspaper and JurnalTV asked the US embassy in Chisinau to offer political asylum for all the editing team, because of the fact that the reporters are being terrorized these days by the force organs.
Здравствуй режим молдаван-баши ВОРонин!