ma gandeam sa lipseasca vreun comentariu de la head quarters-urile sioniste. ian sa vezi ce vor: pedpsire drastica!Despicable' Anti-Semitic Attack in Moldova Merits Strong Response by Government and ChurchNew York, NY, December 14, 2009 … The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today urged the government of Moldova and the leadership of the Orthodox Church to punish those responsible for uprooting a Hanukkah menorah on a main public square in Moldova's capital, Chisinau, and replacing it with an Orthodox cross.A video shows an Orthodox priest, identified by the Moldovan media as Fr. Anatoliy Chirbik, leading a demonstration of about 100 people yesterday at Stefan the Great Square and saying, "We are an Orthodox country. Stephan the Great defended our country from all kinds of kikes, and now they come and put their menorah here. This is anarchy." The priest and demonstrators then uprooted the menorah and dumped it behind a statue of Moldovan national hero King Stefan the Great."The Moldovan government and the Orthodox Church must punish the perpetrators of this despicable anti-Semitic crime and send a clear signal to Moldovan society and to the Jewish community that the government and the church will not tolerate anti-Semitism," said Abraham H. Foxman, ADL National Director.In a letter to Nicolae Chirtoaca, Moldova's Ambassador to the United States, ADL called on his government "to apprehend and punish the perpetrators of this anti-Semitic crime." The League said it was particularly shocked at reports that 15 to 20 police officers were at the site during the protest, but did little to intervene.ADL also expressed disappointment with the official statement from leaders of the Moldovan Orthodox Church, who called the attack "a sad event.""The reported reaction of the Orthodox Church falls far short of a vigorous condemnation," Mr. Foxman said. "The church needs to make clear that this sort of behavior is unacceptable, and should take action to punish any church officials who were involved in organizing the demonstration, including Fr. Chirbik."Moldova Justice Minister Alexandru Tenase was quoted by Moldova's Publik TV as saying the government would not tolerate the desecration of religious objects and "will apply the harshest penalties to discourage anyone attempting similar actions."The Hanukkah menorah was erected by members of the local Jewish community. The menorah, which stands 5-feet tall, was reinstalled and is now under police protection.http://www.adl.org/PresRele/ASInt_13/5673_13.htmsi ce spune un frate crestin din Vadul lui Voda,despre sus mentionata organizatie:No ADL, No Hate Law Enforcement‘If ADL’s credibility is destroyed, hate laws will become unenforceable’By Rev. Ted PikeThe Anti-Defamation League is not backing down from its outrageous claim that millions of Americans are conspiring against Obama! ADL’s recent report, Rage in America: Anti-Government Conspiracies, claims millions of anti-Obama Americans, consumed with “toxic rage,” will say almost anything necessary to bring the President down.But spokeswoman Myrna Shinbaum says the backlash against ADL is simply a misunderstanding: “The comments are coming from people who have not read the report…They’re reacting to the media spin and not its substance.” (Jewish Telegraph Agency, “Conservatives Rap ADL Report on Anti-Government Anger, Dec. 1)What “media” is misrepresenting ADL? It’s certainly not the mainstream liberal media that usually works in lockstep to give ADL initiatives maximum publicity. With only a handful of exceptions, the media has said nothing, pro or con, about Rage in America. Why? Big media is embarrassed by ADL. If its claim that millions of Americans are conspirators were not so sinister, it would be laughable.The “media” to which Shinbaum refers is a string of recent articles: Jonathan Tobin in Commentary, Joseph Farah in World Net Daily, Rev. Ted Pike at www.truthtellers.org, Joel Sprayregen in American Thinker, and Rabbi Nachum Shifren in News with Views. These commentaries—now viral online—have probably embarrassed ADL more than anything since the 1988 Spotlight expose of ADL’s illegal surveillance of over 10,000 unsuspecting Americans. (See my video, Hate Laws: Making Criminals of Christians at www.truthtellers.org for complete documentation.)But ADL is unrepentant. It has an agenda and schedule to keep—persecuting Christians and conservatives under its hate crime laws worldwide.In a recent fund-raising appeal, ADL national director Abe Foxman complained of a worldwide “explosion of anti-Semitism that is shocking in its intensity and unprecedented in its reach into the mainstream.” ADL wants to bull its way forward, persuading all nations of the world to criminalize any criticism of matters Jewish. The cleverest legal means is their brainchild: hate crimes laws. (more…)12/6/2009