The Economist: Russia, Poland and history: Mr Putin regrets

The Economist: Russia, Poland and history: Mr Putin regretsThe liberation of Poland from the Nazis, in which some 600,000 Soviet soldiers died, is seen as a mixed blessing, as it led to 45 years of ruinous and sometimes murderous communist rule. The country’s president, Lech Kaczynski, spoke for many when he reminded Mr Putin that the Soviet Union had “stabbed Poland in the back” with its own invasion on September 17th 1939. He compared the wartime Katyn massacre of 20,000 captured Polish officers by Stalin’s secret police to the Holocaust. When the president’s twin brother, Jaroslaw, was prime minister, such blunt talk put relations with Russia (and with similarly detested Germany) into the deep freeze. Restul aici: http://www.economist.com/world/europe/displaystory.cfm?story_id=14380289Un articol interesant despre invadarea Poloniei in 1939 si rolul URSS. Sunt si comentarii acolo, unde va sfatuiesc sa postati ce credeti despre pactul Ribentrop-Molotov pt ca The Economist e f important in media occidentala. Articolul e aparut astazi si deja sunt peste 90 de comentarii. Prietenii nostri rusi sunt deja acolo, rusi adevarati , nu ca astia "bilingvi" de la noi de pe forum. :)