Scrieti ziarelor din Occident

Presa din Occident trebuie sa stie ce se intampla. Sa vada ca exista niste oameni care au ceva de spus.Mai jos sunt niste adrese de mail de la ziare din Vest. Scrieti-le cateva randuri in engleza despre situatia din RM. Nu trebuie sa fie mult, ci percutant, cateva fraze e de ajuns.Cel mai probabil nu le va lua nimeni in seama, nu se va intampla mare lucru dar cativa ziaristi le vor citi si se va creea o stare favorabila noua in redactii. Si minumum pe care il putem face e sa aducem la cunostinta lumii abuzurile conducerii comuniste.letters@economist.com - the economistsupport@lepoint.fr - le pointwebcomments@newyorker.com - the new yorkerforeigneditor@independent.co.uk - the independentletters@prospect-magazine.co.uk - prospect magazineforeign@washpost.com - washington postforeign.news@thetimes.co.uk - timesletters@nypost.com -new york postletters@latimes.com - los angeles timesctc-tribletter@tribune.com - chicago tribuneEditors@newsweek.com - newsweekAstea de mai juns sunt niste formulare in care trebuie sa le scrieti povestea. Trebuie sa puneti un mail si numele, nu neaparat adevarate:http://www.businessweek.com/custserv/letters.ed.htmhttp://www.lefigaro.fr/contact/contact.phphttp://www.newyorker.com/contact/WebCommentshttp://www1.spiegel.de/active/kontakt/fcgi/lesermail.fcgiUitati ce am scris eu:I am writing to you in relation to the fraudulent election process and its aftermath that took place in Republic of Moldova. The incumbent communist party used various tactics to falsify the results of the elections. The opposition organized massive demonstrations of protests that are being violently repressed by the government led by the communist party who refuses to negociate with the opposition. Also the borders are closed for journalists, foreigners and moldavian citizens, the regime blaming “foreign involvement” in the popular manifestations. Nobody can enter now Republic of Moldova.Daca mai aveti adrese ale redactiilor, postati-le aici ca sa putem scrie mai multi.