Flash and autosuggest
layout problem

Este in pagina un flash, si un cimp cu un
ce apare "din cind in cind" pentru autosugestie :) Problema e ca
-ul de autosugestie trebuie sa apara deasupra flashului, dar apare "dedesubt" si nici z-index-ul nu ajuta. Who knows, besides google, what a fuck is this? :)# wmode - Possible values: window, opaque, transparent. Sets the Window Mode property of the Flash movie for transparency, layering, and positioning in the browser. * window - movie plays in its own rectangular window on a web page. * opaque - the movie hides everything on the page behind it. * transparent - the background of the HTML page shows through all transparent portions of the movie, this may slow animation performance. Am gasit aceasta solutie (valoarea transparent), dar...."the background of the HTML page shows through all transparent portions of the movie, this may slow animation performance" - nu imi e clar un lucru. La flashul meu nu sunt portiuni transparente si totusi chestia lucreaza. Cum se explica acest lucru? :)