Home thermostats: Big Brother's next target?
It's not like we haven't heard of a higher power invading one's home before, but apparently, a proposal set to be considered at month's end could allow the state of California to "require that residents install remotely monitored temperature controls in their homes next year." The Programmable Communication Thermostat (PCT) would feature a "non-removable" FM receiver which could be controlled by Big Brother in "times of emergency" to drop load in order for "utilities to meet their supplies [when] the integrity of the grid is being jeopardized." Of course, we are hearing that adjustments would only be made ±4 degrees, but we aren't so keen on one thing leading to another, if you catch our drift.( http://www.engadget.com/2008/01/13/home-thermostats-big-brothers-next-target/ )
это что что-то новое?
епт... ну и тэма...
glavnaja tseli v jizni
дебилизм :)))
очень бережно, бо возможно что переломы ещё не зажили
ce . fignea ............
и вообще, нет смысла в этом... имхо...
пля.. все встречались, все расставались... смысл в ветке? и если уж на то пошло, почему речь только о парнях?
ну вот вопрос, типо закрыт...))))
nnnn teresanta tema, yo cu fosta ne de vre-o 3 sau 4 ori ni-am despartzin in tzerios, de fiecare data cind incepeam iara sa fim impreuna era multa pasiune..si, evident si sex la fiecare metru patrat....da pe urma ne plictiseam, gaseam un motiv prostesc si ne desparteam. acuma nu mai suntem impreuna de vre-o jiuma de an, lucram impreuna, relatii unu cu altu nu mai vrem, shi vashe vorghim numa "pa rabote", ...k sexu klar k teanet! :)
hav a gud dai!
e cel; mai bine sa te intilnesti cu asa..victima..Sorry, mai jestoko, dar asta e..Caci e f vulnerabil si daca te manifesti grijulie, si ii arati ca tii la el, se prinde si baiatu' isi gaseste alta eroina(adiq pe tine)..