Chess rating and levels

Chess rating and levels. How to get from poor to high chess rating.1450- At this level chess players are still learning many things. Just because a chess player is at this level does not mean they don't have the knowledge. Sometimes they may have potential of being rated much higher but there just not in shape. The most common lesson to learn here to improve a chess rating is often to find common chess blunder types and learn to not make any common blunders. Chess players who make less blunders often go up a category.1600 At this level chess players are making less blunders. Less obvious mistakes for there opponents to capitalize on. People around this level can often win by playing smart and careful while waiting for there opponent to slip up and make a mistake. To get to the next level in chess often two things must happen. People in this category often lack fundamental chess knowledge more so than they realize. So in order to improve they must more often than not learn the fundamentals. By watching Grandmaster games you can get a clue as to there real fundamental chess knowledge. Another thing chess players around this level commonly must improve on is there attacks. Lear to check and double check if your attack is secure or not.1800 Chess players at this level aren't making obvious mistakes. There more aggressive. There attacks don't expose many weaknesses and there rather ruthless. There pieces on the board correlate to each other better. Any player in this category who wants to get higher must become more clever while still remaining balanced. Often people stuck here need to learn how and when to attack there opponents king more with out endangering there chances of winning too much. They also need to start learning a good opening system where there good at it.2000 These players often know a good opening system and they have developed it over time to the point where if you fall into there opening traps then you have had it. There fundamental chess knowledge is almost solid and well founded. They make very few obvious mistakes. To beat these players you need allot of chess experience in openings where you can surprise them into making a mistake. Any chess player stuck around this level just often need either a stronger more solid opening system or more practice to the point where they have allot of knowledge in pattern recognition.2400+ These players are solid. They don't make many obvious mistakes at all. You cannot surprise them with openings very easy at all. They almost know the best solution to almost all openings. They have there own opening system that as been nurtured over time where its become powerful and more error free. There board awareness is better. There calculating is done in such a way that its not just faster but smarter. They sense danger in advance and calculate accurately rather than letting emotions get in the way. They studied there opponents opening system looking for weaknesses. At this level it almost comes down to a battle between good preparation. Opening knowledge. And personal tastes in style. Some play too soft. Some too aggressive. Some are balanced but don't offer much complexities for there opponents. Yes these weaknesses still happen at this level. And believe me people this high don't fully know all the openings. I've nailed allot of chess players this level with multiple openings I personally developed over the years with the help of top computers helping me find killer openings. So there's room for improvements.Article (c) Copyright by http://www.chess-analysis.com We do give permission for you to add this article to your website. providing you change nothing. Even this text must remain in tact.