Cele mai avantajoase Joburi pentru WORK & TRAVEL 2008

Aceasta teme o creezi pentru a afisa si a face cunoscut voua toate joburile pe care vi le pot oferi pentru programul WT2008. Aceste Joburi sunt oferite de catre angajatorii americani special pentru stundetii cu J1 visa.Pentru a evita lukrul in plus legat de traducerea jobului le voi afisa in limba originala - engleza. Va place pictura si doriti sa faceti bani pe asta in State atunci jobul asta e pentru DVS.Job code: MD001Job title: Painter.Job description and condition: We need people who can draw well, especially faces..Before we can give you a position we must see some drawing samples either through e-mail or regular mail.Pay rate: Your pay is a percentage of sales plus tips. Your earnings will depend on how well and how fast you can draw our paying customers.------Your drawings should convince us that you will be an asset to our company.P.S. In curind voi afisa mai multe joburi prin ele vor fi si de genul asta, nu cred ca vreo agentie in oras va ofera asa ceva. Este un job unic Job Title: Retail Sales / Shop Assistant Job Code: MD002Job Description: Each year we send out teams of people to hold our poster sales at Universities and Colleges across America. . Applicant must be willing to travel away from Boston, have a friendly personality, have a valid drivers licence (US or foreign - if you don't apply anyway, we may be able to use you), have good English and be able to lift 50 lbs (there is some physical work involved).Pay rate: Team members typically earn $400 to $600 per week and have fun doing it!!!! We also pay a salary + commissionAccomodation: We pay for accomodation while travelling and provide you with a company vehicle. We pay all fuel and toll costs.relatii la email: vovici@hotmail.com