MySQL query fails

SELECT DISTINCT bugs.bug_id, bugs.groupset, bugs.bug_severity, bugs.priority, bugs.rep_platform, map_assigned_to.login_name, bugs.bug_status, bugs.resolution, bugs.short_desc FROM bugs, profiles map_assigned_to, profiles map_reporterLEFT JOIN profiles map_qa_contact ON bugs.qa_contact = map_qa_contact.userid LEFT JOIN cc selectVisible_cc ON bugs.bug_id = selectVisible_cc.bug_id AND selectVisible_cc.who = 68WHERE ((bugs.groupset & 480) = bugs.groupset OR (bugs.reporter_accessible = 1 AND bugs.reporter = 68) OR (bugs.cclist_accessible = 1 AND selectVisible_cc.who = 68 AND not isnull(selectVisible_cc.who)) OR (bugs.assigned_to = 68)) AND bug_type = 'Bug' AND bugs.assigned_to = map_assigned_to.userid AND bugs.reporter = map_reporter.userid AND (bugs.bug_status = 'UNCONFIRMED' OR bugs.bug_status = 'NEW' OR bugs.bug_status = 'ASSIGNED' OR bugs.bug_status = 'REOPENED' OR bugs.bug_status = 'RESOLVED' OR bugs.bug_status = 'VERIFIED' OR bugs.bug_status = 'CLOSED') ORDER BY bugs.bug_id=================ERROR 1054 (42S22) at line 1: Unknown column 'bugs.qa_contact' in 'on clause'> desc bugs+---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------+-----+---------------------+----------------+| Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra |+---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------+-----+---------------------+----------------+| bug_id | mediumint(9) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment || cr_id | mediumint(9) | YES | UNI | NULL | || bug_type | enum('Bug','Change Request','Fault Report','Maintenance Task') | NO | | Bug | || build | varchar(21) | YES | | NULL | || groupset | bigint(20) | NO | | 0 | || assigned_to | mediumint(9) | NO | MUL | 0 | || bug_file_loc | text | YES | | NULL | || bug_severity | enum('blocker','critical','major','normal','minor','trivial','enhancement') | NO | MUL | blocker | || bug_status | enum('UNCONFIRMED','NEW','ASSIGNED','REOPENED','RESOLVED','VERIFIED','CLOSED') | NO | MUL | UNCONFIRMED | || creation_ts | datetime | NO | MUL | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | || delta_ts | timestamp | NO | MUL | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP | || short_desc | mediumtext | YES | | NULL | || op_sys | enum('All','Windows 3.1','Windows 95','Windows 98','Windows ME','Windows 2000','Windows NT','Windows XP','Mac System 7','Mac System 7.5','Mac System 7.6.1','Mac System 8.0','Mac System 8.5','Mac System 8.6','Mac System 9.x','MacOS X','Linux','BSDI','FreeBSD','NetBSD','OpenBSD','AIX','BeOS','HP-UX','IRIX','Neutrino','OpenVMS','OS/2','OSF/1','Solaris','SunOS','other') | NO | MUL | All | || priority | enum('P1','P2','P3','P4','P5') | NO | MUL | P1 | || product | varchar(21) | NO | MUL | | || rep_platform | enum('All','QA','Stagg','Live','Other') | YES | | NULL | || reporter | mediumint(9) | NO | MUL | 0 | || version | varchar(21) | NO | MUL | | || component | varchar(16) | NO | MUL | | || resolution | enum('','FIXED','INVALID','WONTFIX','LATER','REMIND','DUPLICATE','WORKSFORME','MOVED','REJECTED') | NO | MUL | | || target_milestone | varchar(6) | NO | MUL | --- | || qa_contact | mediumint(9) | NO | MUL | 0 | || status_whiteboard | mediumtext | NO | | | || votes | mediumint(9) | NO | MUL | 0 | || keywords | mediumtext | NO | | | || lastdiffed | datetime | NO | | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | || everconfirmed | tinyint(4) | NO | | 0 | || reporter_accessible | tinyint(4) | NO | | 1 | || cclist_accessible | tinyint(4) | NO | | 1 | || cr_status | enum('UNCONFIRMED','BD ACCEPTED','CD ESTIMATED','BD ESTIMATION ACCEPTED','BD ESTIMATION REJECTED','CUSTOMER ESTIMATION ACCEPTED','CUSTOMER ESTIMATION REJECTED','ASSIGNED','IMPLEMENTED','REOPENED','CLOSED','SIGNED OFF') | NO | | UNCONFIRMED | || phases | enum('','Elaboration','Construction','Transition') | NO | | | || conformity | enum('Non conformity','R - Requirements','FR - Formal Requirements','UC - Use Cases','DG - Design','UT - Unit Testing','ST - System Testing','AT - Automated Testing','MT - Manual Testing','SM - Smoke Test','SP - Simple Performance Testing','T - Traffic','TO - Time to perform an operation, class, method, function etc.','MO - Number of operations per time unit (multiple operations)','CP - Complex Performance Testing','CI - Code Inspection','SE - Security Testing','DC - Documentation','SYS - System Installation and configuration','DEP - Application delivery','GUI - User interface','CS - Content errors','EMA - Error messages accuracy') | NO | | Non conformity | || estimated_manh | varchar(1) | YES | | NULL | || actual_manh | varchar(1) | YES | | NULL | || bug_complexity | enum('1','2','3','4','5') | YES | | 3 | || quote_ref | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | || client_auth_ref | varchar(10) | YES | | NULL | |+---------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+------+-----+---------------------+----------------+Deci: coloana exista, dar mysql oricum imi da eroarea .... 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