Job: EOS-KSI Romania(part of EOS Group) - multiple positions

Motivul pentru care te-am contactat este ca acum lucrez la un proiect pentru care caut specialisti IT care pot raspunde la cerintele din materialul anexat. Pe langa cerintele specifice de IT, este important dupa cum vezi sa stie limba rusa, pentru ca cel putin unele proiecte in care se vor implica se vor derula in tarile din Federatia Rusa. Daca esti interesat de vreunul dintre posturi, te rog sa-mi trimiti un cv actualizat dupa care o sa stabilim si un interviu on line. Daca nu esti interesat dar stii specialisti care pot raspunde la cerintele vreunuia dintre cele 3 posturi, m-ar ajuta sa le trimiti oferta si sa le spui sa ma contacteze pe email. Cei cu experienta relevanta si interesati ar trebui sa-mi trimita repede un cv ca sa pot discuta cu ei pentru ca timpul ne preseaza legat de proiectul in cauza. dv: Daca este cineva cointeresat, scriti direct la adresa: costica_rosoiu@yahoo.com. La intrebari nu pot sa raspund fiindca nu-i cunosc direct.Employer: EOS-KSI Romania part of EOS Group that is present in 17 countries (USA and Europe)Industry: Financial ServicesLocation: RomaniaEmployment: Full time, undetermined or contractor (renewable every year)Assignment 1: Implementation of EOS-KSI collection system at customers in Russian Federation with duration of up to 12 months (estimated)Perspectives: Assignment to other projects in Romania or Eastern EuropeOther: Relocation support, development opportunities and attractive packageIT AnalystResponsibilities: * Translates the business requirments into IT system specifications ; * Identifies, captures and documents the business requirements for new reports and system * functionalities ; * Ensures that the requirments are communicated to the teams involved ; * Assists the users in formulating and implementing the new reports and system functionalities * Reports and interpret reports for the area in his/her responsibiliyRequirements: * University graduate with a good understanding of the IT business and field; * At least 2 years of previous experience as IT business analyst, preferable within the financial services field; * Excellent skills in using MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, MS Project; * Good understanding of applications architecture; * Good command of English and RussianSystem Engineer – LinuxResponsibilities: * Instalation and setting of: Linux servers for use of applications and databases, application * serves (JBoss) and the connections (VPN); * Identifies the system requirements for the database; * Monitors, maintains and optimises the production servers.Cerinte : * Minimum 1 year experience in similar job; * Server related knowledge: Linux, JBoss ; * Good command of English and RussianProgramator JavaResponsibilities: * Develops software applications according to the technical specifications * Analyses the users requirements related to the expected outcome ; * Designes the application architecture, documents and implements the application; * Monitor, maintain and optimise the applicationRequirements: * Minimum 2 years previous experience in Java programming; * Knowledge of: Oracle 10G (PL/SQL); J2EE (EjBs, Servlets, JSP, JSTL, JDBC, Tomcat, JBoss); frameworks (Hibernate); IDE (Eclipse); * Good knowledge and experience in development methodologies * Knowledge on multilevel architectures, with databases; * Good command of English and Russian