Coder or Team, Needed

We Looking for a trustworthy Coder or Team, to realize a number of projects:1:Combo Exploit| Functions: Download and execute. Target: MS IE, Firefox, Opera.2:Trojan: Functions:-Work with IE, Firefox, Opera-The beginning of work from the moment of Execution/AutoDelete-Detour of all FireWalls [including outpost 4.x-Sending of Date right after Posting-Data transmission is crypted-Loading and Excution of any File [on victims pc]-Update [without restart]Grabbing---------------------Protected Storage [IE/Outlook Express/Msn]-Form Grabbing [mail, any form ...]-J.S. & Flash of Virtual Keybord-Grabbing CookiePasswords---------------------WSFTP-Far-WTC-TheBat-Miranda-Trillian-Icq 2003/Light5/QIPWork with LOGS---------------------Record of log in one TXT for each UNIC-Archivation of Logs-Search of Keywords [from Admin CP]-Edit the log-Archivation/clearing/Deleting of LOGWORK with REDIRECT---------------------Remote Config-Substitution of Sites [url 2 url]-Substitution of URL & Status Bar Address-Substitution of Properties of SitesWork with INJECT---------------------Remote Gonfig-Opportunity to enter any URL-Work with MasksWork with ScreenShots---------------------Remote Config-Upload the ScreenShot on ONSUBMITWindows Crash---------------------Remote config [date/time]-HDD FormatEverything described above will be use in Education purposes only!Contacts: ICQ: 5003070Thank You