Valentines Day Definitions

valentine's day 1)holiday maliciously created to make lonely people extremely depressed.2)a corporate conspiracy conceived by candy makers, rose growers, lingerie stores, and jewellers to get people to spend money on junk.Valentine's day? I've had days at the dentist's that go more enjoyable than that day.----------------The reason so many people are born in October.I was born on October first because my parents celebrated valentine's day----------------A 'holiday' that makes pretty much everyone feel miserable, either because they're single, or have a 'significant other' who expects or demands to be showered with gifts and affection to make up for the other 364 days of the year that receive next to no attention. On the flip side, this 'holiday' has also become somewhat of a national make-up day that people use to 'make-up' for the other 364 days of the year that they aren't romantic and attentive to their relationships.Example Use #1:"I hate Valentine's Day. All it does it remind me how single lonely I am. It SUCKS."Example Use #2:"The entire store is cluttered with Valentine's Day crap from floor to ceiling. What a scam these manufactures have going."Example Use #3:"Happy Valentine's Day. I love you, Jane.""Why do you only say you love me on this damn day?""Here. I got you some flowers and candy.""Oh. Thank you. You're forgiven."----------------