Transnistria Traficand Arme In Europa by Mauzer

Оригинальное название: TRANSNISTRIA Trafficking ArmsНазвание: TRAFICUL de arme din TransnistriaГод выхода: 2005Язык: English RussianО фильме: Arms' trafficking is big business in Transnistria. It includesthe smuggling of anti-aircraft missiles and radioactive bombs.The region is plagued by corruption, organised crime and money laundering. Poverty is widespread.Transnistria, a breakaway entity from former Soviet state of Moldova, is run by a repressive and corrupt neo-Communist regime. The Russian army is still present here and guarantees the security of the state, despite having no international recognition.This documentary follows the movements of Brian Johnson Thomas, an arms trafficking specialist who arranges the purchase of three radioactive bombs from a Transistrian dealer. He plans to pay to view the bombs and the rate is set at $US 5 million dollars to look at three radioactive bombs. But does he go through with the viewing?Transnistria's self-proclaimed President Igor Smirnov, an ex-KGB agent, is barred from visiting Europe. Smirnov was re-elected for a third five-year term in December 2001. Moscow described the poll as illegal; the Moldovan president said it was illegitimate.An inheritance from the Cold War era is a huge arms stockpile located in Colbasna, which stores ammunition and arms from the former Soviet countries of East Germany, Hungary and Czechoslovakia. An estimated 22,000 tons of munitions remain in Colbasna following a transfer of 20,000 tons of arms to Russia from the site in 2001. The Colbasna depot is still dangerously overstocked and unregulated.In violation of international treaties, Transnistria refuses toallow inspections by any international agencies. And accordingto this French-made documentary, Transnistria continues to armrebels in Sub-Saharan Africa, the Caucasas and Iraq. (From France, in Russian, English and French, English subtitles)Duration (mins) 60Качаем, смотрим. В фильме также светится рожа побывавшего и на форуме Соина, также в кадре обезьянки из "Прорыва" - фотос которых я закидывал ранее.http://torrents.md/details.php?id=50084