.mobi - новый домен верхнего уровня

What is Dotmobi?Dotmobi is unique – It is the first 'top level domain' dedicated to delivering the Internet to mobile devices. Dotmobi directs mobile users to made-for-mobile Internet content and data services by using the ".mobi" suffix at the end of a web address instead of ".com" or ".org". The ".mobi" suffix is designed to act as a clear signal to users that the website has been specifically designed to be accessed and browsed via the typically smaller screen display of a mobile device. As mobile device penetration continues to outpace Personal Computers by 2:1, the ability to view the Internet on a mobile device will be key. Dotmobi is supported by a cross section of the most visible mobile industry players and application providers, and will become the default address for content and data services that are tailor made for mobile devices.The GSM Association (GSMA) is offering it's members the chance to pre-register their trademark names as dotmobi domains during an 8-day advance registration period, from May 22nd to May 29th 2006. We strongly encourage members to pre-register their trademark names during this period as it will enable you to secure a portfolio of desired web addresses; build content and services; and ensure you extend the right to the use your trademark names around the high value mobile domain ".mobi".EligibilityAll registrants must: * Be listed as a Full or Associate Member of the the GSM Association (GSMA), and; * Register names that are either trademarked or for which a trademark was applied for, prior to July 11th 2005Non GSMA MembersIf you are not a member of the GSM Association, you can still register your trademark names in the TRADEMARK SUNRISE period from June 12th to August 21st 2006.Other key dates for General Registration are: * Landrush – August 28th to September 10th 2006 * Ongoing – from September 14th 2006www.gsmworld.com