LiveJournal si TypePad pikat pe 8 ore in urma DDoS-ului

"About 10 million LiveJournal and TypePad blogs were offline or barely reachable for several hours Tuesday as the result of a massive denial-of-service attack."Any large service tends to have a pretty constant level of attacks, but this was on a scale that I don't think anybody could have anticipated," Dash said. "I think it is of a scale that would have impacted any large site on the Web."Six Apart intends report the attack to the authorities, such as the FBI, but hasn't done so yet, Dash said. "We have not yet had the time to think about the next steps yet," he said. The San Francisco company has some theories on the origin and motivation of the attack, but Dash declined to speculate.Unlike large online businesses, Six Apart isn't typically the object of large-scale onslaughts, Dash said. If it does face an attack, often the problem is related to the content posted on one of the blogs it hosts, he said."They were changing pretty rapidly," Dash said. "We have learned enough that if it does happen again, we know what to do."http://news.com.com/2100-7349_3-6068344.html