Business Schools

Welcome to Leicester Business School!A forward thinking and challenging environment in which to study allaspects of business and management, combining teaching and researchexcellence with a strong professional focus.Master of Business Administration (MBA) MSc Accounting and Finance Full-time ACCA and CIMA programmes MSc Marketing Management MSc Strategic Marketing MSc Strategic Public Management MSc International Business and Management MSc International Business and Finance MSc International Business and HRM MSc International Business and Entrepreneurship MSc International Business and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) MA Personnel and Development MA Human Resource Management LLM Business Law Graduate Certificate in Business (pre-Masters) Scholarships: Leicester Business School is pleased to offer a newrange of scholarships for September 2006, including InternationalStudent Scholarships (for EU and overseas students) and AlumniScholarships (for De Montfort University graduates). Full details areon our website at www.dmu.ac.uk/businessWork Experience: Gaining appropriate work experience with a UKemployer is a great way to enhance your CV and graduate employmentprospects. You can now benefit from a placement or in-companymanagement project as part of several of our Masters courses,including the MBA, MSc Marketing Management and the MA Personnel andDevelopment.Pre-Masters Course: If you seek to enhance your academicqualifications and/or English language skills before you can begin aUK Masters course, Leicester Business School offers the GraduateCertificate in International Business. This is a pre-Masters courseoffering guaranteed progression to one of our full-time Masterscourses on successful completion. Depending on your existingqualifications, study for one year (September 2006 start) or fivemonths (February 2007 start)...New Masters in CSR: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is about howbusiness takes account of its economic, social and environmentalimpacts - it is high on their agendas of most major employers. It's arelatively new concern for businesses and organizations worldwide butall managers of the future will need to be aware of the issuesinvolved. We have a new Professor of CSR, David Crowther, who joinedthe Business School this year and we have launched a new Masterscourse, MSc International Business and CSR, one of the few Masters inthe UK specializing in CSR.English Language: Our excellent English language support package forfull-time international postgraduate students includes a free 4-weekpre-sessional English language course (starting in August 2006) and 3hours per week free English language tuition throughout your Masterscourse if required.CONTACT:Leicester Business School Graduate Centre Tel: +44 (0)116 257 7230 Fax: +44 (0)116 250 6329 Email: lbs.pg.enquiries@dmu.ac.uk Visit: www.dmu.ac.uk/business