Scholarships in Health Services

Greetings from Minnesota State University Moorhead (MSUM)!This is our Spring Break week and the campus is quite as many studentsreturn home while others are participating in international educationprograms. We have a group of students who are visiting Paris andanother group who have traveled to Central America. A number ofstudents are also looking forward to study tours in the former SovietUnion, Japan, and China this summer. We are also very interested inhaving students from around the world come to MSUM to take advantageof the wonderful educational opportunities we offer. The purpose ofthis letter is to tell you more about our Health ServicesAdministration (HSA) program.Health services administration, as a profession, has expandeddramatically world-wide and offers a variety of career opportunities.Hospitals, long-term health care organizations, clinics, healthassociations, public health, and non-governmental health organizationswill all need individuals with HSA skills. We offer both anundergraduate and a graduate program in HSA.Professor Barry Halm coordinates the undergraduate program in theCollege of Education and Human Services. He is also developing thegraduate program. You may reach him at halmba@mnstate.edu.MSUM also offers a graduate program in Public, Human and HealthAdministration. This program prepares you for leadership roles inpublic, social service administration, and health administration.Professor Steven Bolduc coordinates this program. You may reach him atbolduc@mnstate.edu.Finally, let me remind you about tuition since cost is always aconcern for students and their families. MSUM is one of the lower costuniversities in America thanks to strong financial support provided bythe state of Minnesota. In addition, all students pay in-state tuitionrates regardless of their home state or country. This means studentscan save more than $4,000 per year. This is a savings of more than$16,000 over four years. Low costs should not be read as low quality.We are a fully accredited institution. Take a closer look at MSUM byvisiting www.mnstate.edu to help answer any additional information oranswer any questions you might have about the College or MSUM.CONTACT:Michael D. ParsonsDean, College of Education and Human Servicesparsons@mnstate.edu