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перечень игр, разных типов для Windows 1944: Battle of the Bulge (normal) 71.84 3D Lines version 1.2 56.72 (not compatible) A Age of Empires 3 (normal) 71.84 Air Lock (normal) 61.77 AirStrike II DEMO (normal) 61.77 Apache Havoc (normal) 61.77 Area 51 (2005) (normal) 71.84 Arx Fatalis (excellent) 61.77 Aura Fate of the Ages (weak) 61.77 BBattlefield Vietnam (normal) Beach Head 2002 (not compatible)Beam Breakers (normal) Beyond Good & Evil (not compatible)71.84BIG MUTHA TRUCKERS (normal)Bet on Soldier: Blood Sport (normal) 71.84 Black & White (excellent) Black Thorn (normal) BloodRayne 2 (not compatible) 71.84 Break Quest (not compatible) 61.77 Battlefield 2 (not compatible) 71.84 C Call of Duty (normal) 71.84 Call of Duty 2 (normal) 71.84 Chrome (Хром) (excellent) 61.77 Codename: Panzers DEMO (excellent) 61.77 Colin MacRay Rally 2 (Codemasters) (normal) 61.77 Colin MacRay Rally 3 (Codemasters) (normal) 61.77 Colin MacRay Rally 4 (Codemasters) (excellent) 61.77 Colin MacRay Rally 2005 demo(Codemasters) (excellent) 61.77 Colin MacRay Rally 2005 (Codemasters) (excellent) 61.77 Comanche 4 (normal) 61.77 Combat Flight Simulator 3 (Microsoft) (excellent) 61.77 Conflict: Desert Storm (normal) 61.77 Cross Racing Chapionship demo (normal) 61.77 DDungeon Lords (partly compatible) 71.84 Dungeon Siege 2 (normal) 71.84 Delta force black Hawk Down (by Novalogic) (Операция Черный ястреб) (excellent) Delta force - Task Force Dagger (normal) Descent FREESPACE (weak) Disciples II (not compatible) DOOM 3 (week) 61.77 (normal) 71.84 Driver (not compatible) Driver Education (not compatible) DUKE NUKEM: Manhattan project (excellent) EEarth 2150 (Земля 2150 ВОЙНА МИРОВ) (demo(www.snowboll.ru) (not compatible) Enemy Engaged RAH66 Comanche Vs KA 52 Hokun (weak) Evil Islands (Проклятые Земли) (excellent) FFair Strike by G5 Software (Ударная сила) (normal) Far Cry (use default render method) (excellent) F.E.A.R (normal) 71.84 Fighter Ace II (normal) Flat Out demo (excellent) 61.77 Flight Unlimited III (by Looking Glass) (normal) Ford Racing 3 (not compatible) 61.77 FREELANCER (normal) Frozen Systems (normal) 56.72GGHOST RECON (Tom Clancy's) (not compatible) GRAND PRIX 4 (normal) GRAND PRIX Legends 2004(excellent) 56.72 Great Escape (weak) 61.77 GTR: FIA GT Racing Game (excellent) 71.84 Gunship (excellent)HHaegemonia: The Solon Heritage (normal) 61.77 Half-Life (excellent but only Direct 3D mode) Half-Life 2 (normal) 71.84 Harry Potter and the CHAMBER of SECRETS (normal) 61.77HITMAN 2 (Silent Assassin) (not compatible) HITMAN 3 (Contracts) (not compatible) IImperial Glory (normal) 71.84 IL-2 Forgotten Battles (Ил-2 Забытые сражения) (not compatible) IL-2 Shturmovik: Perl Harbor (normal) 71.84 IL-2 Shturmovik version 2.0 (normal - in OpenGL mode only) 61.77 Indiana Jones - Emperors Tomb (normal) JJuiced (partly compatible) 71.84 L Laude (normal) 71.84 LEGO Star Wars (normal) 71.84 Leisure Suit Larry – Magna Cum (excellent) 71.84 Live for Speed S1 (normal) Live for Speed S2 (normal) 61.77 Lock On (Eagle Dynamics) (normal) MMafia (normal) 71.84 MAX PAYNE (normal) MAX PAYNE 2 (excellent) Mercedes-Benz World Racing (excellent) Microsoft Flight Simulator 2002 (normal) Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 (9) (normal) Midtown Madness 2 (not compatible) MORROWIND: The Elder Scrolls III (normal) Moto GP: Ultimate Racing Technology (excellent) NNASCAR Thunder 2003 (excellent) NASCAR-SimRacing (excellent) 71.84 Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed (excellent) Need for Speed: Underground (excellent) Need for Speed: Underground 2 (excellent) 61.77 Need for Speed: Most wonted (excellent) 78.01OOfficial Formula 1 Racing (EIDOS) (normal) Oni (not compatible) Operation FLASHPOINT : Cold WAR (excellent) PPainkiller SP Demo 2 (excellent) 61.77 Painkiller SP (excellent) 61.77 Panzer Elite (Танковая Гвардия) (excellent) Parkan 2 (not compatible) 71.84 Planet of Apes (not compatible) Pranksters: The Treasure Of The Indians (not compatible) Prince of Persia Warrior Within DEMO (not compatible) 71.84 Prince of Persia: Sands of Time (excellent ) 71.84 Pro Race Driver (Codemasters) (normal) Psychonauts (weak) 71.84 QQuake 1(OpenGL) (excellent ) 71.84 Quake 2(OpenGL) (excellent ) 71.84 QUAKE III : ARENA (excellent) 71.84 QUAKE 4 (normal) 71.84 RRace for 5TH Element (Погоня за пятым элементом) (not compatible) Rally Sport Challenge (excellent) Rally Trophy (excellent) Richard Burns Rally (normal) 71.84 Rift Spase DEMO (normal) 61.77 Rise of Nations: Thrones and Patriots DEMO (not compatible) 61.77 SSerious SAM : Second Encounter (excellent) Silent Storm: Sentinels DEMO (normal) 61.77 Silent Wings version 1.02 DEMO (partly compatible)71.84 Sim City 4 (not compatible) Sniper Elite (excellent) 71.89 Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix (normal) Space Taxi II (weak) 56.72 Star Lancer (Microsoft) (excellent) Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace(normal) Star Wars - Republic Commando (normal) 71.84 Required reverse stereo mode! Star Wraith 3 Shadows of Orion (normal) SU-27 Flanker ver. 2.5 (not compatible) Super Bike 2000 (not compatible) TThe SUM of All FEARS (not compatible) The Bards Tale (normal) 71.84 Required reverse stereo mode! Tiger Hunt (weak) ToCa Race Driver (excellent) 61.77 ToCA Race Driver 2: UltimateRacing Simulator (excellent) 71.84 ToCa Race Driver 3 Honda Civic 2006 Demo (excellent) 78.01 Tony Hawk's PRO SKATER 3 (normal) Tomb Raider 3 (not compatible) Tomb Raider the last revelation (excellent) TopSpin DEMO (excellent) 61.77 Total Immersion Racing (excellent) TrackMania Sunrise (excellent) 71.84 UUnreal (not compatible) Unreal: Return to NA PALI (partly compatible) UNREAL II : The awakening (normal) Unreal Tournament 2003 demo version 1077 (excellent) Unreal Tournament 2004 (excellent) VVirtual Sailor 6.0 Demo (excellent) Virtual Skipper 3 (weak) Virtual Skipper 4 (excellent) 71.89 WWarcraft III: Regn of Chaos (excellent) 61.77 Wheels of steel: Pedal of the metal DEMO (not compatible) 61.77XXpand Rally MP Demo (not compatible) 61.77 X-Plane 6.0 (not compatible) X – Tension (normal) 71.84 ZZANZARAH (excellent) 61.77 Zax: The Alien Hunter (not compatible) RUSВеликий Побег (Buka) (weak) 61.77 Гегемония. Наследие Солонов (Nival Interactive) (normal) 61.77 Ил-2 Штурмовик: Забытые сражения version 2.0 (Асы в небе) (normal - in OpenGL mode only) 61.77 Звёздные воины смертельные гонки (excellent) 71.84 Отверженные (Тайна темной расы) (www.infinite-loop.ru) (demo) (normal) Lock On Современная боевая авиация (normal) 71.84 Проклятые земли ( Evil Islands: Curse of the Lost Souls) (excellent) 71.84 Тормозилки (Lagsters) (excellent) ZANZARAH: В поисках затерянной страны (Руссобит-М) (excellent) 61.77up / наверхOther application(Другие приложения)3D Mark 2001(excellent) 71.843D Mark 2001(excellent) 71.843D Mark 2003(excellent) 71.84Stereoscopic Player 0.9.5(by Peter Wimmer) 78.01Stereoscopic Player 0.9.3(by Peter Wimmer) 71.84Stereoscopic Player 0.9.1(by Peter Wimmer) 61.77Stereoscopic Player 0.9.0(by Peter Wimmer) 61.77Stereoscopic Player 0.8.5(by Peter Wimmer) 56.72 Stereoscopic Player 0.8.4(by Peter Wimmer) 45.23Successfully tested with next stereo DVD films: ALIEN ADVENTURE HAUNTED CASTLE ENCOUNTER IN THE THIRD DIMENSION Santa vs. the Snowman SOS PLANET CGI Animation in stereoscopic 3D (by MDStudios) A Rainforest Adventure Bugs 3D (Sensio 3D version) Spy kids 3D: Game Over (Sensio 3D version) Transitions 3D (Sensio 3D version) X3D Technologies: X3D TV Gateway (not compatible) [review] X3D PC Gateway (not compatible)[review]More 3D demo: AVSA Mining machine (excellent) City of Frechen (excellent) Kitchen "Noblessa" (excellent) Mercedes A-Class (excellent) Virtual Mining (excellent)