Linux root password reset

salut lume! Iaca cetesc o carte pentru cianici. si iata ce am gasit mai jios.Am ramas uimit . deci oricene poate avea access la mine la PC? adic in cazul cind am instalat SuSe sau oricari alt Linux ... imi zice cineva cum de evitat optiunea Boot Options pentru a nu permite resetsrea parolei la root ?To perform system administration tasks, you have to know the root password.What happens if you forget the root password? Not to worry: Just reboot thePC and you can reset the root password by following these steps:257 Chapter 17: Look Ma, I’m a Sysadmin!1. Reboot the PC (select Reboot as you log out of the GUI screen) orpower up as usual.Soon you see the graphical boot screen that shows the names of theoperating systems you can boot. The text cursor rests on a line labeledBoot Options.2. If you have more than one operating system installed, use the arrowkey to select SUSE Linux as your operating system.3. Type the following and then press Enter:single init=/bin/shLinux starts up as usual but runs in a single-user mode that does notrequire you to log in. After Linux starts, you see the following commandline prompt that ends with a hash mark (#), similar to the following:sh-3.00#4. Type the following command, and then press Enter:mount / -n -o remount,rwThis makes the root file system — the forward slash (/) in the mountcommand — writeable so that you can change the password (which isstored in a file in the root file system).5. Type the passwd command to change the root password as follows:sh-3.00# passwdChanging password for user root.New password:6. Type the new root password that you want to use (it doesn’t appearon-screen), and then press Enter.The passwd command asks for the password again, like this:Re-enter new password:7. Type the password again, and press Enter.If you enter the same password both times, the passwd commandchanges the root password.8. Type the following command and press Enter.mount / -n -o remount,roThis remounts the root file system in a read-only mode.9. Now type /sbin/reboot to reboot the PC.After SUSE Linux restarts, you can again become root by typing su - andentering the new password. When GUI utilities such as YaST prompt forthe root password, enter the new root password.258 Part IV: Becoming a SUSE WizardMake sure that your SUSE Linux PC is physically secure. As these steps show,anyone who can physically access your SUSE Linux PC can simply reboot, seta new root password, and do whatever they want with the system.