Freebsd - nou logou

http://logo-contest.freebsd.org/result/640-1.pngIata niste comenturi funny de pe slashdot ;)---goofyheadedpunk:Anyone else think it looks like a pokemon ball with horns?vertinox:Misty: "On no! It's Jessie and James from teem Racketeer!"Jessie: "We are here to put a stop to your open source with the power of love and monolopy!"Ash: "I call on you BeeEssDeemon!"BeeEssDeemon: "Bee ess dee! Bee ess dee!"Ash: "Use BSD License attack!"James: "Call forth Flamewaramon! Use 'No GPL license is better' counter attack!"Ash: "But you forgot! BeeEssDeemon has resistance to all moderation and instantly gets 5+ while Flarewamon will get -1 troll!"*big explosion with Team Racketeer flying off into the sky with comedic effect*And no I don't watch that much Pokemon.