MySQL / select ... in ...

select c.idfrom currency cwhere c.id in (select c1.id from currency c1)ORselect c.idfrom currency cwhere c.id in (select distinct c1.id from currency c1)--da eroarea...You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'select c.id from currency c where c.id in (select c1.id from currency c1)' at line 1-------------------------------select usd.day, usd.amount, eur.amountfrom currency usd, currency eurwhere usd.day = eur.day and usd.Currency = 'USD' and eur.Currency = 'EUR' and usd.day in (select DISTINCT c.day from currency c)e OK...undei eroarea?