American studies

Gerd Bucerius-Schorlarship for the MA in American StudiesNot in America, but about America...The Heidelberg Center for American Studies (Heidelberg University)invites applications for its Gerd Bucerius-Scholarship for its MA inAmerican Studies.The Gerd Bucerius-Scholarship will cover the tuition fee and livingexpenses for a student from Eastern Europe to study for the MA inAmerican Studies (MAS) at the Heidelberg Center for American Studies.The deadline for the applications for the scholarship and theadmission to the MAS is: March 31, 2005 Application forms for both canbe downloaded on: www.hca.uni-heidelerg.deThe start of the MAS is: Oct 4, 2005The MAS is a one-year degree in English language that providesexemplary and interdisciplinary teaching of cultural knowledge aboutthe United States of America in subjects such as American literature,economics, geography, history, history of art, law, musicology,political science, philosophy, sociology, and theology/religiousstudies.Graduates of recognized academic institutions outside Germany shouldhave successfully completed degree programs of a minimum of four yearsof study.For further details please see:www.hca.uni-heidelberg.de
jan feraru08 Декабря 2005, 00:23
jan feraru08 Декабря 2005, 00:23

''Desteapta-te, romane, din somnul cel de moarte,

in care te-adancira barbarii de tirani!
Acum ori niciodata croieste-ti alta soarta,
La care sa se-nchine si cruzii tai dusmani!''

''Acum ori niciodata sa dam dovezi n lume
Ca-n aste mani mai curge un s nge de roman,
Si ca-n a noastre piepturi pastram cu fala-un nume
Triumfator in lupte, un nume de Traian!''

Priviti, marete umbre, Mihai, Stefan, Corvine,
''Romana natiune, ai vostri stranepoti,
Cu bratele armate, cu focul vostru-n vine,
"Viata-n libertate ori moarte!" striga toti.''

Preoti, cu crucea-n frunte! caci oastea e crestina,
''Deviza-i libertate si scopul ei preasfant,
Murim mai bine-n lupta, cu glorie deplina,
Decat sa fim sclavi iarasi n vechiul nost' pamant!''

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madrussian17 Февраля 2006, 01:13
madrussian17 Февраля 2006, 01:13

It's a quick reminder that the deadline for submission of applications
for Presidential Scholarship consideration is March 1, 2006.

As you may already know, the Presidential Scholarship is our most
prestigious and competitive merit-based scholarship. Applicants are
nominated for consideration by the Honors Council at Plattsburgh based
on a combination of high school grades and standardized test results
(usually SAT). If selected as a Presidential Scholar, the applicant is
awarded a financial aid package valued between $6,350 and $10,350
(renewable each academic year) depending on his or her documented
financial need.

Applicants nominated for, but not receiving, the Presidential
Scholarship are automatically awarded an International Award for
Academic Excellence. Recipients of the International Award for
Academic Excellence receive a financial aid package valued between
$4,500 and $8,500 depending on the student’s documented financial

Applications received after the March 1 deadline may be considered for
any of the other merit-based scholarships offered including the
International Award for Academic Excellence. Here’s a link to a
summary of the financial aid available to accepted international
students at Plattsburgh:


In addition, any student awarded either of these scholarships is able
to enroll in our outstanding Honors Program:


Ms. Jackie Girard Vogl
Director, International Student Services
State University of New York – Plattsburgh
101 Broad Street
Plattsburgh, NY 12901 U.S.A.
Email: jackie.vogl@plattsburgh.edu
Phone: 518-564-3287
Toll-free: 1-877-877-5170 (in U.S. and Canada)
Fax: 518-564-3292
Web: www.plattsburgh.edu/international

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