Scholarships in Environmental Studies

Erasmus MundusMasters in Environmental Sciences, Policy and ManagementStarting from 2005/2006 the consortium of four leading Europeaninstitutions for environmental research and postgraduate education -the Central European University (Hungary), Lund University (Sweden),the University of the Aegean (Greece) and the University of Manchester(UK) is launching Masters Course in Environmental Sciences, Policy andManagement (MESPOM) supported by the Erasmus Mundus programme of theEuropean Commission. MESPOM prepares students for identifying,developing and implementing integrated solutions to environmentalchallenges, especially in an international context. It offers acomprehensive inter- and multi-disciplinary curriculum inenvironmental studies that challenges students' ability to integratetheory and practice for systematic analysis, holistic understanding,and management of diverse environmental issues in various socialcontexts. In addition to their academic work, students developresearch, communication and other professional skills, learn to orientthemselves in European and worldwide networks of environmentalinstitutions and elaborate relevant career objectives and strategies.The Erasmus Mundus programme will provide scholarships to outstandingstudents from countries outside the EU to attend MESPOM and toscholars to participate in teaching and learning.All MESPOM graduates will receive Master of Science (MSc) degrees fromCEU, Lund University and the University of Manchester.STUDY PROGRAMME: The 2-year (120 ECTS) programme is delivered inEnglish and includes three terms of taught courses followed by afourth research term. The first two terms, taught at CEU, comprisemandatory and elective units focused on legal, economic, and politicalas well as scientific and technological aspects of key environmentalchallenges and the society-environment interaction. During the thirdterm students choose between specialized tracks in either preventiveenvironmental strategies in the public and private sector (at LundUniversity) or environmental sciences and pollution control (at theUniversity of Manchester). Both tracks emphasize hands-on research andpractical experience in industries, organizations, and laboratories.During the 4th term, the students conduct their individual researchprojects and write Masters theses at any of the four Consortiumpartners. This is normally combined with internships in internationalorganizations, public authorities, industry or NGOs.APPLICATION PROCESS: MESPOM invites applications from candidates fromall countries. Successful applicants must have a good first degree ina subject related to environmental sciences, policy and managementsuch as biology, geography or chemistry, engineering, management oreconomics. Candidates with other first degrees will also be consideredif they show commitment to environmental issues, usually through workexperience. All candidates should demonstrate proficiency in English.Admission is based on the academic and intellectual excellence ofapplicants as well as their motivation and prior experience. In orderto create a multicultural learning environment, the Consortium strivesto achieve a balance between various geographic and disciplinarybackgrounds of MESPOM students. It is envisioned that 80-90% of MESPOMstudents will come from countries outside the European Union. Allapplicants must fill in CEU and MESPOM on-line application forms(www.mespom.org) and supply other required documents by the followingdeadlines:" February 17, 2005 - on-line application forms to be filled bycandidates wishing to take the CEU institutional TOEFL test on March5th, 2005 (available in certain countries of Eastern Europe, Caucasus,Central Asia and Mongolia);" February 25, 2005 - on-line application forms to be filled by allother candidates;" February 25, 2005 - all required documents (electronic versions) toreach MESPOM by e-mail;" March 15, 2005 - all documents (paper copies) to reach MESPOM bymail.The admission process will include a check of eligibilityrequirements, selection by the MESPOM admission committee, and thereview by the European Commission (for applications for Erasmus Mundusscholarships). Those candidates who have already applied to theMasters' programmes at the CEU Department of Environmental Sciencesand Policy or at the International Institute of IndustrialEnvironmental Economics at Lund University are welcome to apply toMESPOM and may be exempt from requirements to resubmit certaindocuments.For additional details please visit www.mespom.org or emailinfo@mespom.org