(54)Money laundering financial and economic crime
Strengthen efforts and co-operation in the fight against money laundering, inaccordance with art.66 of the PCA; convincing progress in efforts to establish andimplement a comprehensive anti money laundering regime.– Develop the necessary legislative framework, including concerning the scope andmandatory nature of reporting suspicious transactions.– Strengthen co-operation between the Central Bank, financial institutions, otherrelevant entities, the FIU and law enforcement agencies (police, customs,prosecutors, judges) in order to make the financial institutions and other relevantentities aware of the obligations and responsibilities arising from envisagedlegislation.– Exchange information on the existing European system (Financial IntelligenceUnit (FIU)) and the existing system in Moldova as regards money laundering.– Enhancing the inter-institutional data-base on suspicious transactions.– Promote application of effective sanctions against money laundering.– Develop a training programme for the staff of the FIU, judges, prosecutors, and allother relevant personnel.– Intensify co-operation and promote exchange of information among lawenforcement agencies and co-operation between Moldova and internationalorganisations, such as OECD-FATF and Council of Europe, as well as withcorresponding services of EU Member states and specialised bodies at Europeanlevel.