Environmetal Studies
Columbia University's 12 month Graduate Program in EnvironmentalScience and Policy isaccepting applications from those who wish to be considered for afellowship. Please be advisedthe deadline for applying to the program and being considered for afellowship is January 15th,2005. If you do not want a fellowship but do wish to apply please beaware the deadline isFebruary 15th, 2005. Application information and forms can be foundonline athttp:// you have any questions or want more information about ColumbiaUniversity or the program please do not hesitate to contact Louise A.Rosen, either via email or on 212-854-0643.Louise A. RosenAssistant Director MPA Program in Environmental Science and PolicySchool of International and Public Affairs Columbia Universityhttp:// of Student ProgramsOffice of Education ProgramsThe Earth InstituteColumbia Universityhttp:// Columbia Univ. School of Int'l & Public Affairs, 420 West118th Street, New York, NY10027
''Desteapta-te, romane, din somnul cel de moarte,
in care te-adancira barbarii de tirani!
Acum ori niciodata croieste-ti alta soarta,
La care sa se-nchine si cruzii tai dusmani!''
''Acum ori niciodata sa dam dovezi n lume
Ca-n aste mani mai curge un s nge de roman,
Si ca-n a noastre piepturi pastram cu fala-un nume
Triumfator in lupte, un nume de Traian!''
Priviti, marete umbre, Mihai, Stefan, Corvine,
''Romana natiune, ai vostri stranepoti,
Cu bratele armate, cu focul vostru-n vine,
"Viata-n libertate ori moarte!" striga toti.''
Preoti, cu crucea-n frunte! caci oastea e crestina,
''Deviza-i libertate si scopul ei preasfant,
Murim mai bine-n lupta, cu glorie deplina,
Decat sa fim sclavi iarasi n vechiul nost' pamant!''
Graduate Program in Climate Studies at Columbia University
The twelve-month Master's Program in Climate and Society trains
professionals and academics to understand and manage climate risk.
This rigorous program emphasizes the problems of developing societies.
Advances in climate modeling and prediction - with regard to both
climate variability (El Nino) and longer-term climate change - have
changed the landscape of human knowledge. For drought-stricken farmers
of the developing world, for shantytown dwellers at the mercy of
hurricanes and mud slides, for governments trying to make the most of
limited resources as they strive for development, and for multibillion
dollar insurance, energy, transportation, and food corporations, this
new scientific knowledge can offer better ways to respond to the
problems and opportunities created by a varying climate. But decision
makers must understand how to make effective use of this new
Consequently, an acute need exists for professionals who understand
the links between climate and society and who can to understand and
manage climate risk. However, this is not easy to do. Columbia
University's new Masters Program in Climate Science and Policy
(officially known as the M.A. Program in Climate and Society) is
attempting to provide the knowledge and skills to meet this need and
its extant successes and problems yield some lessons
This rigorous, innovative and very interdisciplinary one-year program
utilizes and builds upon leading climate, global change and
sustainable development resources from across Columbia University,
including: the International Research Institute for Climate
Prediction, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Earth Institute, various
regional institutes, and the departments of Earth & Environmental
Science, Earth Engineering, Economics, International Affairs,
Sociology, and Political Science. A unique set of interdisciplinary
core courses, electives and research opportunities have been specially
designed for the program. Topics in these courses include the dynamics
of climate variability and change; climate impacts; climate-sensitive
natural and human systems; managing and adapting to climate change and
climate variability; policy-making under uncertainty; national and
international environmental policy; environmental economics; and
research internships.
Applications are now open for entry in September 2006. The program
lasts 12 months, from September 2006-August 2007, including a research
or policy internship during the summer term.
Visit the program website http://www.columbia.edu/climatesociety for
more information, updates, student news, alumni profiles, and
"frequently asked questions" about the master's program.
Online application: https://app.applyyourself.com/?id=COL-GAS