Scholarships in Czech Republic

School of Social Studies - Masaryk University in Brno, Czech RepublicCall for ApplicationsMaster's Program in Sociology (http://www.fss.muni.cz/soc/eng/)Master's Program in European Politics (http://www.fss.muni.cz/eupolitics/)taught in English at the School of Social Studies, Masaryk Universityin Brno, Czech Republic.Applicants must already hold a BA or equivalent degree in socialsciences (Sociology, Political Science, International Relations,European Studies, or a related discipline, including History, Law,Economics, etc.) or humanities from a recognized institution of highereducation. Applicants must have a good command of English language.Deadlines: the deadline for applicants who need to arrange a Czechresidence permit is 2nd May 2005.Tuition fees: The fee for the full program is 3,840 EUR (i.e. 960 EURper semester), or 490 EUR per course for those who wish to registeronly for individual courses rather than for the entire program.---------------------------------------------------Master's Degree Program in Sociology. The program providessociological training at the graduate level. The theoretical as wellas methodological knowledge gained in the Program helps students tomake sense of the rapidly changing world that we live in. It offersthe opportunity for students to choose from the following areas ofspecialization: (i) Quantitative Social Research, (ii) EthnicRelations, (iii) Contemporary Social Problems, (iv) Modernization andCivil Society, (v) Cultural Sociology. The structure of the program isdesigned to enhance students' analytical skills as well as to developstudents? abilities to interpret current phenomena within theframework of contemporary social theory. Applicants must have earned afirst degree in the field of social sciences or humanities from arecognized university or institution of higher education. The lengthof study is two years but the flexible format of the Program makes itpossible for students who have their first degree from sociology tocomplete their studies in a shorter period.----------------------------------------------------European Politics is a full-time Master's program. Its standardduration is four semesters. It is a comprehensive program of study inthe fields of comparative politics and European integration. Thecomparative politics component covers basic theories, researchmethodology, empirical analysis, and comparative studies of thepolitical developments and the party systems in European countries.This component allows students to focus specifically on the region ofCentral and Eastern Europe and to explore the experiences ofpost-communist transformations. The European integration component ofthe program includes theoretical and empirical analysis of differentinternational organizations and their interaction in Europe. Specialemphasis is put on the study of the European Union and itsenlargements.For more information, please visit the university web-site:http://www.fss.muni.cz/index.shtml.enCONTACT INFORMATION:Mgr. Jolana NavratilovaOffice for International RelationsSchool of Social StudiesMasaryk University BrnoGorkeho 7602 00 BrnoCzech RepublicTel.: +420 549 49 19 14Emails: jnavrati@fss.muni.cz; int@fss.muni.czhttp://fss.muni.cz