ColdfusionMX - 300$

Hello, I'm searching a person who will be able to develope CFM backend for e-commerce web site. (Flash work I will perform myself) The budget for Coldfusion backend is 300$. Below you will find the description.Need someone who is PROFICIENT in Flash Remoting using Flash MX 2004 Professional and Cold Fusion MX for a project that needs to be completed as quickly as possible. Please provide estimated time of completion with your bid. Work Speci?cations: Build the back end for an ecommerce site. A great example of a site like the one I want to develop is at www.howies.co.uk. Speci?cation; The design of the look and feel will be provided (before you get to the shopping area). Here is a run down of the process of the shopping experience and later I will bullet point all the criteria that need to be included. Upon arrival to the site you will be presented with imagery of the "Real world store" and possibly a staff pro?le. There will be an option to "?nd out more about the company" and a "Go shopping" button. The "?nd out more about the company" button will be developed. The "Go shopping" button will introduce you to an interactive menu (yet to be designed). The navigation will have all the categories of items that are for sale i.e. diamonds, bracelets, watches, rings, etc. Each of these navigation buttons will link to the relevant shopping area that needs to be developed. Say you click on rings, the ?rst 4 items will be displayed and a scrollable list will appear down the right that lists ALL the items in that area. You can click on next or previous buttons to scroll through in order and be presented with 4 items at a time, or click on an item in the list and it will display the item and the 3 other items that are next to it. Each image/item will have a pre loader so that the customer is kept informed at all times in case they are on a dial up connection. Under the image will be the name of the piece followed by the start of the detailed description and the price of the item. If you click on either the image or a button bellow the image you will be taken to the detailed description plus a larger image (again a pre loader will be visible)(this will be like www.howies.co.uk. An "add to cart" button will be visible on both the small display of the items and the more detailed version. Once you add the item to your cart, you can always see what is in your cart by selecting a slide down icon that lists what you have and a total plus a checkout button. Once you decide to checkout, you click on either the checkout section of the navigation bar or the button in the cart listing and are presented with you cart and costs. You can then click to proceed and will be presented with the options of purchase. The options will be by phone, fax, e-mail or online credit card transaction. Once a purchase has been made both the customer and the store owner will be e-mailed a con?rmation of the purchase and the owner is then able to dispatch the item as needed. Items the site is to contain; • The customers shopping cart must be easily visible at all times. • Search functionality, by product id, and keywords from the description. • Each product needs an individual product ID. • I must be able to add and subtract categories i.e. Diamonds, rings, emeralds, etc. • Pre loaders for all items to keep the customer informed and I must be able edit these. • The store owner must be able to add and subtract items at will. • As this product is one of a kind, there is no need for a quantity section in the cart. • After a purchase is made both the customer and the store owner will be e-mailed with all the details of the transaction. • There needs to be a section for delivery charges (domestic and international) that can be updated by the shop owner. • I may need to be able to get you to modify this cart in the future for other clients. • There must be an interface for the shop owner to use that enables him to upload the images and the details for each item that is to be added so that maintaining the inventory is kept simple. • The shop owner&'s user interface for the uploading of the ?les and descriptions must have the Bounce Design logo on it. And it would be preferred for this application to be made with ?ash. • I must have font control for the cart system with the fonts to be embedded when compiled. • I must be able to move UI buttons in the cart to suit my design. • I must be able to change colors etc of items in the cart system. • The application is to be built in Flash MX professional 2004 and a back end of ColdFusion MX. • This shopping cart must be very easy to use.