The Berkeley Software Distributions (BSDs) represent one of the oldest and most vigorous streams of Open Source software. Together, OpenBSD, FreeBSD, NetBSD, Darwin, Mac OS X, and BSD/OS represent millions of servers and desktops. The BSD operating systems have long been part of the backbone of the Internet in everything from embedded applications to large server installations, and will soon be widely deployed on consumer desktops. If you want to develop cutting-edge network applications, then BSDCon is the place to be. Meet the movers and shakers of the BSD community, and learn how you can use BSD as part of your enterprise-grade solutions. This is the fourth BSDCon and the second to be sponsored by the USENIX Association. Two days of tutorials will precede two and a half days of technical sessions. The combination of a technical track, invited talks, tutorials, Birds-of-a-Feather sessions, and Work-in-Progress reports provide an opportunity for people of all experience levels to learn from BSD experts, professionals with real world experience, and industry leaders.