How to make another person happy...

HOW TO MAKE A MAN HAPPY1. Let him have sex with you HOW TO MAKE A WOMAN HAPPY-..........Well...... All you have to do is be: 1. a friend 2 a companion 3. a lover 4. a brother 5. a father figure 6. a teacher 7. an Educator 8. a cook 9. a gardener 10. a carpenter 11. a driver 12. an engineer 13. a mechanic 14. an interior decorator 15. a stylist 16. a sex therapist 17. a gynecologist/obstetrician 18. a psychologist 19. a psychiatrist 20. a therapist 21. a good father 22. a gentleman 23. well organized 24. tidy 25. very clean 27. athletic 28. affectionate 29. affable 30. attentive 31. ambitious 32. amenable 33. articulate 34. bold 35. brave 36. creative 37. courageous 38. complimentary 39. capable 40. decisive 41. intelligent 42. imaginative 43. interesting 44. prudent 45. patient t 46. polite 47. passionate 48. respectful 49. sweet 50. strong 51. skilful 52. supportive 53. sympathetic 54. tolerant 55. understanding 56. someone who loves shopping 57. someone who doesn't make problems 58. someone who never looks at other women 59. very rich AT THE SAME TIME, YOU MUST PAY ATTENTION TO MAKE SURE YOU 60. are neither jealous nor disinterested 61. get on well with her family, but don't spend more time with them than with her 62. give her space, but show interest and concern in where she goes ABOVE ALL IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO 63. Not forget the dates of * anniversaries (wedding, engagement, first date...) *graduation * birthday * However, even if you observe the above instructions perfectly, you are not 100% guaranteed that she will be happy.