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Program Party;Uses Vine, Zakus, Condoms;{$I Variable.Pas}Procedure Prepare;Begin Find(House); Buy(Bottles); Buy(Zakus); Call(Friends); Call(Girls);End;{ Prepare }Procedure Drinks;Begin Open(Bottles); Repeat Drink(Next(Gramms100)); Zakus:=Eat(Next(Foods)); Until TwoViewInEyes;End;{ Drinks }Procedure Dances;Begin Music:=True; Call(OneGirl); Go(DancingRoom); With Music.Jump Do Begin If Girl(Drink)>Normal(Drink) Then Begin Touch(AssOfGirl); Touch(BrestOfGirl); End Else Begin Go(DrinkingRoom); Let`s(Girl):=Drinks(More); Return(DancingRoom); End; End;End;{ Dances }Procedure F_u_ck( Who : S_e_x );Var HowMany: LongInt;Begin If WhoGirl Then Write(''Are yor sodomite ??!''); Find(DarkRoom); Close(Door_and_windows); If Not Find(BedInRoom) Then BedInRoom:=AnyTable; HowMany:=0; Repeat Call(Next(Who)); Delete(DressOf(Who)); Kiss(Lips,Brest,OtherPartsOfBody); Repeat Asm PUSH YourPenis POP YourPenis End; Until YouHaveOrgasm; Case HowMany of Inc(HowMany); If (HowMany mod 15 = 0) then Write(''You are BIG man !!!''); Until YourPenisStay;End;{ F_u_ck }Begin { Party - Main Program } Prepare; Drinks; If Who(Drink)>Normal(Drink) Then Who:=FaceDown; Dances; F_u_ck(Girls); Go(AtHomes);End.{ Main Program }(C)Sfynx -> MoldHack