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It is unfortunate, however, that even a well-ordered life cannot lead anybodysafely around the inevitable doom that waits in the sky. As F. Hopkinson Smithlong ago pointed out, the claw of the sea-puss gets us all in the end. -- James Thurber, "Preface to A Life", in _The Thurber Carnival_
It is unfortunate, however, that even a well-ordered life cannot lead anybodysafely around the inevitable doom that waits in the sky. As F. Hopkinson Smithlong ago pointed out, the claw of the sea-puss gets us all in the end. -- James Thurber, "Preface to A Life", in _The Thurber Carnival_
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It is unfortunate, however, that even a well-ordered life cannot lead anybodysafely around the inevitable doom that waits in the sky. As F. Hopkinson Smithlong ago pointed out, the claw of the sea-puss gets us all in the end. -- James Thurber, "Preface to A Life", in _The Thurber Carnival_
It is unfortunate, however, that even a well-ordered life cannot lead anybodysafely around the inevitable doom that waits in the sky. As F. Hopkinson Smithlong ago pointed out, the claw of the sea-puss gets us all in the end. -- James Thurber, "Preface to A Life", in _The Thurber Carnival_