Zona pietonală a unui cartier din centrul istoric al Chișinăului va fi reabilitată
Zona pietonală a unui cartier din centrul istoric al Chișinăului va fi reabilitată. Lucrările au început luni, 24 iunie și vor costa municipalitatea 3 mln de lei, informează MOLDPRES.
Proiectul vizează cartierul cuprins între străzile Alexei Șciusev, Maria Cebotari, Mihail Kogălniceanu și Sfatul Țării.
Șeful interimar al Direcției transport public și căi de comunicație, Octavian Lungu a declarat astăzi la ședința săptămânală a serviciilor primăriei că lucrările de reabilitare vor dura trei luni. În acest timp, vor fi amenajați peste 2800 metri pătrați de trotuar cu pavaj cu suprafața de granit și vor fi înlocuite bordurile. Totodată, muncitorii vor amenaja parcări publice, iar la trecerile de pietoni vor apărea rampe pentru persoane cu mobilitate redusă. În cadrul proiectului, va fi modernizat și iluminatul public. Astfel, vor fi reabilitate mai multe console și corpuri de iluminat stradal, iar pe tot perimetrul cartierului vor fi montate 39 de piloni pentru iluminarea zonei pietonale și 64 corpuri de iluminat decorativ al Muzeului de Etnografie și Istorie Naturală.
„Astăzi am început lucrările la reabilitarea zonei pietonale a unui cartier din centrul istoric al orașului. În trei luni, trotuarele din jurul Muzeului de Etnografie și Istorie Naturală, pe perimetrul străzilor M. Kogălniceanu-M. Cebotari-A. Șciusev-Sfatul Țării vor fi pavate, vom amenaja parcări, vom ilumina zona și vom instala și luminat decorativ pe fațadele clădirilor istorice”, a declarat primarul general interimar al capitalei, Ruslan Codreanu.
Responsabilii au ales modernizarea cartierului menționat întrucât în perimetrul acestuia sunt mai multe monumente istorice.
• The Russian-American population is estimated at approximately 3 million people.
• The major areas of concentration are NY Tri-State Area, CA, IL, PA, MA.
• The main cities of residence are New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle and Detroit.
• Russian-Americans have a median annual HH income of $50,500.
• 64% of Russian–Americans are married, with the average number of children 1.6.
• 53% of Russian-Americans hold a bachelor’s degree or higher.
Areas and Percentage of the highest concentration of the Russian-American population
• NY Tri-State Area – 24%
• California – 16%
• Illinois – 16%
• Pennsylvania – 10%
• Massachusetts – 8%
• Florida – 7%
• DC and Maryland – 3%
PS: interesant catzi acum sunt ?
Inamicul trebuie sa-l cunoshti din interior!!!
Top 101 cities with the most residents born in Russia (population 500+)
1. Peaceful Valley, WA (housing, pop. 2,448): 12.2%
2. Sharon Springs, NY (housing, pop. 547): 6.0%
3. West Buechel, KY (housing, pop. 1,301): 5.7%
4. Big Delta, AK (housing, pop. 749): 5.6%
5. West Hollywood, CA (housing, pop. 35,716): 5.3%
6. Schaefferstown, PA (housing, pop. 984): 5.2%
7. Deltana, AK (housing, pop. 1,570): 5.1%
8. East Whatcom, WA (housing, pop. 6,410): 4.9%
9. Fair Lawn, NJ (housing, pop. 31,637): 4.7%
10. Belleville, PA (housing, pop. 1,386): 4.5%
11. Sunnyside, OR (housing, pop. 6,791): 4.3%
12. West Sacramento, CA (housing, pop. 31,615): 4.3%
13. East Yolo, CA (housing, pop. 31,799): 4.3%
14. Pikesville, MD (housing, pop. 29,123): 4.2%
15. Mill Plain, WA (housing, pop. 7,400): 4.1%
16. Sunny Isles Beach, FL (housing, pop. 15,315): 3.9%
17. Minnehaha, WA (housing, pop. 7,689): 3.7%
18. Delta Junction, AK (housing, pop. 840): 3.7%
19. Black Point-Green Point, CA (housing, pop. 1,143): 3.6%
20. Postville, IA (housing, pop. 2,273): 3.3%
21. Harbor Hills, NY (housing, pop. 563): 3.0%
22. Sharon, MA (housing, pop. 5,941): 2.9%
23. Mayfield Heights, OH (housing, pop. 19,386): 2.8%
24. Kingston, NJ (housing, pop. 1,292): 2.8%
25. Buffalo Grove, IL (housing, pop. 42,909): 2.7%
26. Reisterstown, MD (housing, pop. 22,438): 2.6%
27. Skokie, IL (housing, pop. 63,348): 2.6%
28. Yacolt, WA (housing, pop. 1,055): 2.5%
29. Fort Lee, NJ (housing, pop. 35,461): 2.5%
30. Keystone, CO (housing, pop. 825): 2.5%
31. Marietta-Alderwood, WA (housing, pop. 3,594): 2.4%
32. Village Shires, PA (housing, pop. 4,137): 2.4%
33. Century Village, FL (housing, pop. 7,616): 2.4%
34. Brownville, NJ (housing, pop. 2,660): 2.4%
35. Garrison, MD (housing, pop. 7,969): 2.4%
36. Brookline, MA (housing, pop. 57,107): 2.3%
37. Orting, WA (housing, pop. 3,760): 2.3%
38. Woodmere, OH (housing, pop. 828): 2.3%
39. Dayton, VA (housing, pop. 1,344): 2.3%
40. Churchville, PA (housing, pop. 4,469): 2.2%
41. Sagaponack, NY (housing, pop. 582): 2.2%
42. Swampscott, MA (housing, pop. 14,412): 2.2%
43. Poquott, NY (housing, pop. 975): 2.2%
44. Richmond Heights, OH (housing, pop. 10,944): 2.2%
45. Soap Lake, WA (housing, pop. 1,733): 2.1%
46. Palm Beach Shores, FL (housing, pop. 1,269): 2.1%
47. Sea Cliff, NY (housing, pop. 5,066): 2.1%
48. Brooklyn, NY (housing, pop. 2,465,326): 2.1%
49. Waverly, NE (housing, pop. 2,448): 2.1%
50. Northwest Ithaca, NY (housing, pop. 1,115): 2.1%
51. Feasterville-Trevose, PA (housing, pop. 6,525): 2.0%
52. Marine on St. Croix, MN (housing, pop. 602): 2.0%
53. Ojus, FL (housing, pop. 16,642): 2.0%
54. Warren, NY (housing, pop. 1,136): 2.0%
55. River Edge, NJ (housing, pop. 10,946): 2.0%
56. Napavine, WA (housing, pop. 1,361): 1.9%
57. Woodburn, OR (housing, pop. 20,100): 1.9%
58. Olivette, MO (housing, pop. 7,438): 1.9%
59. Fox River, AK (housing, pop. 616): 1.8%
60. Shorewood, WI (housing, pop. 13,763): 1.8%
61. South Euclid, OH (housing, pop. 23,537): 1.8%
62. Lincolnwood, IL (housing, pop. 12,359): 1.8%
63. Beachwood, OH (housing, pop. 12,186): 1.8%
64. Lyndhurst, OH (housing, pop. 15,279): 1.8%
65. Homestead, PA (housing, pop. 3,569): 1.8%
66. Bancroft, KY (housing, pop. 536): 1.7%
67. Steele, ND (housing, pop. 761): 1.7%
68. Blaine, WA (housing, pop. 3,770): 1.7%
69. Newton, MA (housing, pop. 83,829): 1.7%
70. Boxford, MA (housing, pop. 2,340): 1.7%
71. Bayside, WI (housing, pop. 4,518): 1.7%
72. Glendale, CO (housing, pop. 4,547): 1.7%
73. Lido Beach, NY (housing, pop. 2,825): 1.7%
74. Cascade Valley, WA (housing, pop. 1,811): 1.7%
75. North Highlands, CA (housing, pop. 44,187): 1.7%
76. Schuyler, NY (housing, pop. 3,385): 1.6%
77. Sharon, NY (housing, pop. 1,843): 1.6%
78. Orchards, WA (housing, pop. 17,852): 1.6%
79. Ashland, MA (housing, pop. 14,674): 1.6%
80. Springfield, NJ (housing, pop. 14,429): 1.6%
81. Northbrook, IL (housing, pop. 33,435): 1.6%
82. Wheeling, IL (housing, pop. 34,496): 1.6%
83. Millers Falls, MA (housing, pop. 1,072): 1.6%
84. Waldon, CA (housing, pop. 5,133): 1.6%
85. Princeton North, NJ (housing, pop. 4,528): 1.5%
86. Golden Beach, FL (housing, pop. 919): 1.5%
87. Washougal, WA (housing, pop. 8,595): 1.5%
88. Miller, SD (housing, pop. 1,530): 1.5%
89. Blawnox, PA (housing, pop. 1,550): 1.5%
90. Niles, IL (housing, pop. 30,068): 1.5%
91. Strasburg, CO (housing, pop. 1,402): 1.5%
92. Morganville, NJ (housing, pop. 11,255): 1.5%
93. Princeton Junction, NJ (housing, pop. 2,382): 1.5%
94. Terre Hill, PA (housing, pop. 1,237): 1.5%
95. Due West, SC (housing, pop. 1,209): 1.4%
96. Lake Dalecarlia, IN (housing, pop. 1,285): 1.4%
97. Kings Point, FL (housing, pop. 12,207): 1.4%
98. Great Neck Estates, NY (housing, pop. 2,756): 1.4%
99. Brush Prairie, WA (housing, pop. 2,384): 1.4%
100. Mountain View, CA (housing, pop. 70,708): 1.4%
101. Beverly Hills, CA (housing, pop. 33,784): 1.4%
о русских в Европе нашёл только это: "Нас – восемь миллионов только в Западной Европе, не считая стран бывшего восточного блока." http://www.russiandiaspora.com/russian/r1.html
На вскидку, примерно 10 миллионов русских живут в Евросоюзе.